Alexander Zherebker, Oliver Babcock, Diana Pereira, Sara D’Aronco, Daniele Filippi, Lidia Soldà, Vincent Michoud, Aline Gratien, Manuela Cirtog, Christopher Cantrell, Paola Formenti, Chiara Giorio, Decreasing the Uncertainty in the Comparison of Molecular Fingerprints of Organic Aerosols with H/D Exchange Mass Spectrometry, Environmental Science & Technology, 58, 20468–2047,, 2024
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Publications of Aline GRATIEN at LISA
M.P. Georgopoulou, Camilo Macias, C. Kaltsonoudis, Mathieu Cazaunau, C.N. Vasilakopoulou, A. Matrali, K. Seitanide, A. Aktypis, A. Nenes, C.-H. Yegen, C. Buissot, Aline Gratien, Antonin Berge, Edouard Pangui, Elie AlMarj, Lucy Gerard, Benedicte Picquet-Varrault, S. Lanone, Patrice Coll, S.N. Pandis, A coupled atmospheric simulation chamber system for the production of realistic aerosols and preclinical model exposure, Air quality, atmosphere and health, 2024/7/18o, 1-22,, 2024
R. Belgacemi, B. Ribeiro Baptista, G. Justeau, M. Toigo, A. Frauenpreis, R. Yilmaz, A. Der Vartanian, Mathieu Cazaunau, Edouard Pangui, Antonin Berge, Aline Gratien, Camilo Macias, S. Bellusci, G. Derumeaux, J. Boczkowski, D. Al Alam, Patrice Coll, S. Lanone and L. Boyer, Complex urban atmosphere alters alveolar stem cells niche properties and drives lung fibrosis, Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol., 325, L447-L459,, 2023
Gilles Foret, Vincent Michoud, Kotthaus, S., Petit, J.-E., Baudic, A., Guillaume Siour, Kim, Y., Jean-Francois Doussin, Dupont, J.-C., Paola Formenti, Cecile Gaimoz, Ghersi, V., Aline Gratien, Gros, V., Jaffrezo, J.-L., Haeffelin, M., Kreitz, M., Ravetta, F., Sartelet, K., Simon, L., Té, Y., Uzu, G., Zhang, S., Favez, O., Matthias Beekmann, The December 2016 extreme weather and particulate matter pollution episode in the Paris region (France), Atmospheric Environment, 119386,, 2022
E. Guilloteau, Patrice Coll, Z. Lu, M. Djouina, Mathieu Cazaunau, C. Waxin, Antonin Berge, S. Caboche, Aline Gratien, Elie AlMarj, D. Hot, L. Dubuquoy, D. Launay, C. Vignal, S. Lanone & M. Body-Malapel, Murine in utero exposure to simulated complex urban air pollution disturbs offspring gut maturation and microbiota during intestinal suckling-to-weaning transition in a sex-dependent manner, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 19,, 2022
Yi, H., Mathieu Cazaunau, Aline Gratien, Vincent Michoud, Edouard Pangui, Jean-Francois Doussin, Chen, W., Intercomparison of IBBCEAS, NitroMAC and FTIR analyses for HONO, NO2 and CH2O measurements during the reaction of NO2 with H2O vapour in the simulation chamber CESAM, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 5701–5715,, 2021
Kenneth Mermet, Emilie Perraudin, Sébastien Dusanter, Stéphane Sauvage, Thierry Léonardis, Pierre-Marie Flaud, Sandy Bsaibes, Julien Kammer, Vincent Michoud, Aline Gratien, Manuela Cirtog, Mohamad Al Ajami, François Truong, Sébastien Batut, Christophe Hecquet, Jean-Francois Doussin, Coralie Schoemaecker, Valérie Gros, Nadine Locoge, Eric Villenave, Atmospheric reactivity of biogenic volatile organic compounds in a maritime pine forest during the LANDEX episode 1 field campaign, Science of the Total Environment, 756, 144129,, 2021
Houssni Lamkaddam, Aline Gratien, Edouard Pangui, Marc David, F. Peinado, Jean-Michel Polienor, Murielle Jerome, Mathieu Cazaunau, Cecile Gaimoz, Benedicte Picquet-Varrault, I. Kourtchev, M. Kalberer, Jean-Francois Doussin, Role of Relative Humidity in the Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from High-NOx Photooxidation of Long-Chain Alkanes: n‑Dodecane Case Study, ACS Earth Space Chem. 2020, 4, 2414−2425, 4, 2414−2425,, 2020
David O. De Haan, Lelia N. Hawkins, Kevin Jansen, Hannah G. Welsh, Raunak Pednekar, Alexia de Loera, Natalie G. Jimenez, Margaret A. Tolbert, Mathieu Cazaunau, Aline Gratien, Antonin Berge, Edouard Pangui, Paola Formenti, Jean-Francois Doussin, Glyoxal's impact on dry ammonium salts: fast and reversible surface aerosol browning, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 9581–9590,, 2020
Duporté G., P.-M. Flaud, J. Kammer, E. Geneste, S. Augagneur, Edouard Pangui, Houssni Lamkaddam, Aline Gratien, Jean-Francois Doussin, H. Budzinski, E. Villenave, E. Perraudin, Experimental Study of the Formation of Organosulfates from α Pinene Oxidation. 2: Time evolution and effect of particle acidity, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124, 2, 409–421,, 2020
Houssni Lamkaddam, Aline Gratien, Ropion Manon, Edouard Pangui, Jean-Francois Doussin, Kinetic Study of the Temperature Dependence of OH-Initiated Oxidation of n‑Dodecane, J. Phys. Chem. A, 123, 44, 9462-9468,, 2019
D. de Haan, A. Pajunoja, L. Hawkins, H. Welsh, N. Jimenez, A. de Loera, M. Zauscher, A. Andretta, B. Joyce, A. de Haan, M. Riva,T. Cui, J. Surratt, Mathieu Cazaunau, Paola Formenti, Aline Gratien, Edouard Pangui, Jean-Francois Doussin, Methylamine's Effects on Methylglyoxal-Containing Aerosol: Chemical, Physical, and Optical Changes, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, ACS, 3 (9), 1706-1716,, 2019
Patrice Coll, Mathieu Cazaunau, Jorge Boczkowski, Maeva Zysman, Jean-Francois Doussin, Aline Gratien, Geneviève Derumeaux, Maria Pini, Claudia Di-Biagio, Edouard Pangui, Cecile Gaimoz, Sophie Hüe, Frederic Relaix, Audrey Der Vatanian, Coll Isabelle, Vincent Michoud, Paola Formenti, Gilles Foret, Laurence Thavaratnasingam, Adela Amar, Mickael Lacavalerie, Margaux Mader and Sophie Lanone, PolluRisk : an innovative experimental platform to investigate Health impacts of Air Quality, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 230, 557-565, doi:10.2495/AIR180521, 2018
David O. De Haan, Natalie G. Jimenez, Alexia de Loera, Mathieu Cazaunau, Aline Gratien, Edouard Pangui, Jean-Francois Doussin, Methylglyoxal Uptake Coefficients on Aqueous Aerosol Surfaces, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122, 4854-4860, 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b00533, 2018
David O. De Haan, Enrico Tapavicza, Matthieu Riva, Tianqu Cui, Jason D. Surratt, Adam C. Smith, Mary-Caitlin Jordan, Shiva Nilakantan, Marisol Almodovar, Tiffany N. Stewart, Alexia de Loera, Audrey C. De Haan, Mathieu Cazaunau, Aline Gratien, Edouard Pangui, Jean-Francois Doussin, Nitrogen-Containing, Light-Absorbing Oligomers Produced in Aerosol Particles Exposed to Methylglyoxal, Photolysis, and Cloud Cycling, Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 4061-4071, 10.1021/acs.est.7b06105, 2018
Reed Harris, Allison, Mathieu Cazaunau, Aline Gratien, Edouard Pangui, Jean-Francois Doussin, Vaida, Veronica, Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Studies of the Gas-Phase Photolysis of Pyruvic Acid, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121, 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b05139, 2017
Giorio, Chiara - Monod, A, Lola Bregonzio-Rozier, DeWitt, H. Langley, Mathieu Cazaunau, Temime-Roussel, Brice, Aline Gratien, Vincent Michoud, Edouard Pangui, Ravier, Sylvain - T. Zielinski, Arthur - Tapparo, Andrea - Vermeylen, Reinhilde - Claeys, Magda - Voisin, D - Kalberer, Markus, Jean-Francois Doussin, Cloud Processing of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Isoprene and Methacrolein Photooxidation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121, 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b05933, 2017
De Haan, David O. ; Hawkins, Lelia N. ; Welsh, Hannah G. ; Pednekar, Raunak ; Casar, Jason R. ; Pennington, Elyse A. ; de Loera, Alexia ; Jimenez, Natalie G. ; Symons, Michael A. ; Zauscher, Melanie ; Pajunoja, Aki, Lorenzo Caponi, Mathieu Cazaunau, Paola Formenti, Aline Gratien, Edouard Pangui, Jean-Francois Doussin, Brown Carbon Production in Ammonium-or Amine-Containing Aerosol Particles by Reactive Uptake of Methylglyoxal and Photolytic Cloud Cycling, Environmental Science and Technology, 51, 7458-7466, 10.1021/acs.est.7b00159, 2017
Reed Harris, Allison E. ; Pajunoja, Aki, Mathieu Cazaunau, Aline Gratien, Edouard Pangui, Monod, Anne ; Griffith, Elizabeth C. ; Virtanen, Annele, Jean-Francois Doussin, Vaida, Veronica, Multiphase Photochemistry of Pyruvic Acid under Atmospheric Conditions, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121, 3327-3339, 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b01107, 2017
Houssni Lamkaddam, Aline Gratien, Edouard Pangui, Mathieu Cazaunau, Benedicte Picquet-Varrault, Jean-Francois Doussin, High-NOx Photooxidation of n-Dodecane: Temperature Dependence of SOA Formation, Environmental Science and Technology, 51, 192-201, 10.1021/acs.est.6b03821, 2017
G. Duporté, P.-M. Flaud, E. Geneste, S. Augagneur, Edouard Pangui, Houssni Lamkaddam, Aline Gratien, Jean-Francois Doussin, H. Budzinski, E. Villenave, E. Perraudin, Experimental Study of the Formation of Organosulfates from α‑Pinene Oxidation. Part I: Product Identification, Formation Mechanisms and Effect of Relative Humidity, J. Phys. Chem. A, 120 (40), 7909–7923, 10.1021/acs.jpca.6b08504, 2016
Orphal J., J. Staehelin, J. Tamminen, G. Braathen, M.-R. De Backer, A. Bais, D. Balis, A. Barbe, P. K. Bhartia, M. Birk, J. W. Burkholder, K. V. Chance, T. von Clarmann, A. Cox, D. Degenstein, R. Evans, Jean-Marie Flaud, D. Flittner, S. Godin-Beekmann, V. Gorshelev, Aline Gratien, E. Hare, C. Janssen, E. Kyrölä, T. McElroy, R. McPeters, M. Pastel, M.Petersen, I. Petropavlovskikh, Benedicte Picquet-Varrault, M. Pitts, G. Labow, M. Rotger-Languereau, T.Leblanc, C. Lerot, X. Liu, P. Moussa, A. Redonda, M. Van Roozendael, S. P. Sander, M. Schneider, A. Serdyuchenko, P. Veefkind, J. Viallon, C. Viatte, G. Wagner, M. Weber, R. I. Wielgosz and C. Zehner, Absorption cross-sections of ozone in the ultraviolet and visible spectral regions – Status report 2015, J. Mol. Spectros., 327, 205-121,, 2016
Lola Bregonzio-Rozier, Giorio, C., Siekmann, F., Edouard Pangui, Morales, S.B., Temime-Roussel, B., Aline Gratien, Michoud, V., Mathieu Cazaunau, DeWitt, H.L.T., A. , Monod, A., Jean-Francois Doussin, Secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene photooxidation during cloud condensation–evaporation cycles, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 1747-1760, 2016 PDF
Lola Bregonzio-Rozier, F. Siekmann, C. Giorio, E. Pangui, S. B. Morales, B. Temime-Roussel, Aline Gratien, V. Michoud, S. Ravier, A. Tapparo, A. Monod, Jean-Francois Doussin, Gaseous products and secondary organic aerosol formation during long term oxidation of isoprene and methacrolein, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 2953-2968, 2015 PDF
Aline Gratien, Benedicte Picquet-Varrault, J. Orphal, J-F., Jean-Francois Doussin, Jean-Marie Flaud, New Laboratory Intercomparison of the Ozone Absorption Coefficients in the Mid-infrared (10 ?m) and Ultraviolet (300-350 nm) Spectral Regions, J. Phys. Chem. A, 114, 10045-1004, 2010
Aline Gratien, M. Lefort, Benedicte Picquet-Varrault, J. Orphal, Jean-Francois Doussin, Jean-Marie Flaud, Experimental intercomparison of the absorption cross-sections of nitrous acid (HONO) in the ultraviolet and mid-infrared spectral regions, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf, 110, 256-263, 2009
Aline Gratien, E. Nilsson, L. Bache-Andreassen, Jean-Francois Doussin, M. S. Johnson, C. J. Nielsen, Y. Stenstrøm , Benedicte Picquet-Varrault, UV and IR absorption cross-sections and relative photolysis rates of HCHO, HCDO and DCDO, J. Physical Chemistry A, 111, 11506-1151, 2007
Aline Gratien, Benedicte Picquet-Varrault, J. Orphal, E. Perraudin, J-F. , Jean-Francois Doussin, Jean-Marie Flaud, Laboratory intercomparison of the formaldehyde absorption coefficients in the infrared (1660-1820 cm-1) and ultraviolet (300-360 nm) spectral regions, J. Geophys. Res., 112, Art. No. D, 2007