Technical Activities

The studies and observations carried out at LISA are based on a strong experimental component, using instruments deployed in the field or on platforms, as well as instruments coupled to terrestrial or planetary atmospheric simulation chambers. The laboratory has set up a Technical Department (DT) bringing together the various engineering professions (instrumentation, electronics, optics, mechanics, on-board computing, physico-chemical analysis) to meet development needs. It currently comprises some twenty technical staff, and is structured into two divisions drawing on business and project management expertise: the Analytical Chemistry Division and the Instrument Division.

The main missions of the Technical Department fall into two categories: management of the laboratory's instrumental equipment and infrastructure (experimental platforms, electronics and optics laboratories, controlled environment rooms, etc.) and project support (field campaigns and analytical and instrumental developments).


The DT operates in project mode. The laboratory's matrix organization involves staff in several projects at the same time, ensuring that working methodologies, expertise and know-how are shared.



Composition of technical department





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