Benjamin Fleury, Mathilde Poveda, Yves Benilan, Romeo Veillet, Olivia Venot, Pascal Tremblin, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Martin Schwell, Antoine Jolly, Nelson de Oliveira, Et-touhami Es-sebbar, High-temperature measurements of acetylene VUV absorption cross sections and application to warm exoplanet atmospheres, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 693, A82,, 2025
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Publications of Yves BENILAN at LISA
Benjamin Fleury, Yves Benilan, Olivia Venot, Auteurs : Fleury, Benjamin; Benilan, Yves; Venot, Olivia; , Experimental Investigation of the Photochemical Production of Hydrocarbons in Warm Gas Giant Exoplanet Atmospheres , The Astrophysical Journal, 956, id. 134,, 2023
Katia Hadraoui, Herve Cottin, Ivanovski, S. L., Pascal Zapf, P. Altwegg, Yves Benilan, Y. Biver, N. Della Corte, V., Nicolas Fray, Lasue, J. Merouane, S. Rotundi, A. Zakharov, V., Distributed glycine in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (Corrigendum), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 651, C2,, 2021
Lefevre, F., A. Trokhimovskiy, A. Fedorova, L. Baggio, G. Lacombe, A. Maattanen, J. L. Bertaux, F. Forget, E. Millour, Olivia Venot, Yves Benilan, O. Korablev and F. Montmessin, Relationship Between the Ozone and Water Vapor Columns on Mars as Observed by SPICAM and Calculated by a Global Climate Model, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 126,, 2021
Imène Derbali, Helgi Rafn Hrodmarsson, Martin Schwell, Yves Benilan, Lionel Poisson, Majdi Hochlaf, Mohammad Esmaïl Alikhani, Jean-Claude Guillemin, Emilie-Laure Zins, Unimolecular decomposition of methyl ketene and its dimer in the gas phase: theory and experiment, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 20394-2040,, 2020
A. Bellili, Z. Gouid, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, J.-C. Guillemin, M. Hochlaf, Martin Schwell, Single photon ionization of methyl isocyanide and the subsequent unimolecular decomposition of its cation: experiment and theory, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 26017-2602,, 2019
Katia Hadraoui, Herve Cottin, S. L. Ivanovski, Pascal Zapf, K. Altwegg, Yves Benilan, N. Biver, V. Della Corte, Nicolas Fray, J. Lasue, S. Merouane, A. Rotundi and V. Zakharov, Distributed glycine in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 630, A32,, 2019
Es-sebbar E., Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Herve Cottin, Antoine Jolly, Marie-Claire Gazeau, VUV Spectral Irradiance Measurements in H2/He/Ar Microwave Plasmas and Comparison with Solar Data, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 240, 7,, 2019
Olivia Venot, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Lefèvre, F.; Es-sebbar, Et.; Hébrard, E., Martin Schwell, Chiheb Bahrini, Montmessin, F., Maxence Lefevre, Waldmann, I. P., VUV-absorption cross section of carbon dioxide from 150 to 800 K and applications to warm exoplanetary atmospheres, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 609, A34,, 2018
Ahmed Mahjoub, Martin Schwell, Nathalie Carrasco, Yves Benilan, Guy Cernogora, Cyril Szopa, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Characterization of aromaticity in analogues of Titan's atmospheric aerosols with Two-step Laser Desorption Ionization Mass spectrometry, Planetary and Space Science, 131, 1-13, 2016 PDF
Es-sebbar E.T., John Mantzaras, Yves Benilan, A. Farooq, First line shape analysis and spectroscopic parameters for the v11 band of 12C2H4, J. Quant. Spectros. Rad. Transf., 184, 279-307,, 2016
Fernando Capalbo, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Martin Schwell, N. Champion, E.T. Es-sebbar, T. T. Koskinend, Ivan Lehocki, R.V. Yelle, New benzene absorption cross sections in the VUV, relevance for Titan’s upper atmosphere, Icarus, 265, 95-109, 2016 PDF
Chiheb Bahrini, Yves Benilan, Antoine Jolly, B. Lebert, Xavier Landsheere, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Pulsed cavity ring-down spectrometer at 3 µm based on difference frequency generation for high-sensitivity CH4 detection, Appl. Phys. B, 121, 533-539, 2015
Fernando Capalbo, Yves Benilan, Roger V. Yelle, Tommi T. Koskinen, Titan's Upper Atmosphere from Cassini/UVIS Solar Occultations, The Astrophysical Journal, 814-2, 86, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/814/2/86, 2015
Es-sebbar, E.-t., Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Herve Cottin, Antoine Jolly, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Optimization of a Solar Simulator for Planetary-photochemical Studies, Astrophys. J. Suppl., 218, 19, 2015
Bellili A., Martin Schwell, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, M. Mogren Al-Mogren, J.-C. Guillemin, L. Poisson and M. Hochlaf, VUV photoionization and dissociative photoionization spectroscopy of the interstellar molecule aminoacetonitrile: theory and experiment, J. Mol. Spectros., 315, 196-205, 2015
Michaelle Bouilloud, Nicolas Fray, Yves Benilan, Herve Cottin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Antoine Jolly, Bibliographic review and new measurements of the infrared band strengths of pure molecules at 25 K: H2O, CO2, CO, CH4, NH3, CH3OH, HCOOH and H2CO, Monthy Noticces Roy. Astron. Soc., 451, 2145-2160, 2015
Carrasco, N., Herve Cottin, Cloix, M., Murielle Jerome, Yves Benilan, Patrice Coll, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Francois Raulin, Kafila Saiagh, Chaput, D., Szopa, C., The AMINO experiment: methane photolysis under solar VUV irradiation on the EXPOSE-R facility of the International Space Station, International Journal of Astrobiology 14, 79-87, 2015 PDF
Herve Cottin, Kafila Saiagh, Guan, Y.Y., Cloix, M., Diana Khalaf, Macari, F., Murielle Jerome, Jean-Michel Polienor, Yves Benilan, Patrice Coll, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Francois Raulin, Fabien Stalport, Carrasco, N., Szopa, C., Bertrand, M., Chabin, A., Westall, F., Vergne, J., Da Silva, L.A., Maurel, M.-C., Chaput, D., Demets, R., Brack, A., The AMINO Experiment: a laboratory for Astrochemistry and Astrobiology on the EXPOSE-R facility of the International Space Station, International Journal of Astrobiology 14, 67-77, 2015 PDF
Herve Cottin, Kafila Saiagh, Nguyen, D., Noel Grand, Yves Benilan, Cloix, M., Patrice Coll, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Nicolas Fray, Diana Khalaf, Francois Raulin, Fabien Stalport, Carrasco, N.,Szopa,C.,Chaput, D.,Bertrand, M.,Westall, F.,Mattioda, A.,Quinn, R.,Ricco, A.,Santos, O.,Baratta, G., Strazzulla, G.,Palumbo, M.E.,Postollec, A.L.,Dobrijevic, M.,Coussot, G.,Vigier, F.,Vandenabeele-Trambouze, O.,Incerti, S.,Berger, T., Photochemical studies in low Earth orbit for organic compounds related to small bodies, Titan and Mars. Current and future facilities, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 84, 60-73, 2015 PDF
Loison J.C., E. Hébrard, M. Dobrijevic, K.M. Hickson, F. Caralp, V. Hue, G. Gronoff, O. Venot , Yves Benilan, The neutral photochemistry of nitriles, amines and imines in the atmosphere of Titan, Icarus, 247, 218-247, 2015
Antoine Jolly, V. Cottini, A. Fayt, L. Manceron, Fridolin Kwabia-Tchana, Yves Benilan, J-C. Guillemin, C. Nixon and P. Irwin, Gas phase dicyanoacetylene (C4N2) on Titan: new experimental and theoretical spectroscopy results applied to Cassini CIRS data, Icarus, 248, 340-346, 2015
Es-sebbar Et., Antoine Jolly, Yves Benilan, A. Farooq, Quantitative mid-infrared spectra of allene and propyne from room to high temperatures, J. Mol. Spectros., 305, 10-16, 2014
Bellili A., Martin Schwell, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, M. Mogren Al-Mogren, J.-C. Guillemin, L. Poisson and M. Hochlaf, VUV photoionization and dissociative photoionization of the prebiotic molecule acetyl cyanide: theory and experiment, J. Chem. Phys., 141, 134311,, 2014
Antoine Jolly, L. Manceron, Fridolin Kwabia-Tchana, Yves Benilan, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Revised infrared bending mode intensities for diacetylene (C4H2) Application to Titan, Planet. Space Sci., 97, 60-64, 2014
Leach S., G. A. Garcia, A. Mahjoub, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, F. Gaie-Levrel, N. Champion, Martin Schwell, Ionization photophysics and spectroscopy of cyanoacetylene, J. Chem. Phys., 140, 174305, 1.4871298, 2014
Leach S., Martin Schwell, G. A. Garcia, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, F. Gaie-Levrel, N. Champion and J.-C. Guillemin, Ionization photophysics and spectroscopy of dicyanoacetylene, J. Chem. Phys., 139, 184304; /1.4826467, 2013
Briani G., Nicolas Fray, Herve Cottin, Yves Benilan, Marie-Claire Gazeau, S. Perrier, HMT production and sublimation during thermal process of cometary organic analogs. Implications for its detection with the ROSETTA instruments, Icarus, 226, 541-551, 2013
Fernando Capalbo, Yves Benilan, R.V. Yelle, T.T. Koskinen, B.R. Sandell, G.M. Holsclaw and W.E. McClintock, Solar occultation by Titan measured by Cassini/UVIS, Astrophys. J. Lett., 766, 10.1088/2041-8205/766/ 2/L16, 2013
Peng Z., Gautier T., Carrasco N., Pernot P., Giuliani A., Mahjoub A., Correia J.-J., Buch A., Yves Benilan, Szopa C. and Cernogora G., Titan's atmosphere simulation experiment using continuum UV-VUV synchrotron radiation, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 778-788, 2013
Venot O., Nicolas Fray, Yves Benilan, Marie-Claire Gazeau, E. Hébrard, Gwenaelle Larcher, Martin Schwell, M. Dobrijevic and F. Selsis, High-temperature measurements of VUV-absorption cross sections of CO2 and their application to exoplanets, Astron. Astrophys., 551, 10.1051/0004-6361/201220945, 2013
Es-Sebbar E., Yves Benilan, A. Farooq, Temperature-dependent absorption cross-section measurements of 1-butene (1-C4H8) in VUV and IR, J. Quant. Spectros. Rad. Trans., 115, 1-12, 2013
Fayt A., Antoine Jolly, Yves Benilan, L. Manceron, Fridolin Kwabia-Tchana, J-C. Guillemin, Frequency and intensity analyses of the far infrared ?5 band system of cyanogen (C2N2) and applications to Titan, J. Quant. Radiat. Transfer, 113, 1195-1219, 2012
Martin Schwell, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Es Sebbar E., Garcia G. A., Nahon L., Champion N. and Leach S, VUV photoionization of acetamide studied by electron/ion coincidence spectroscopy in the 8?24 eV photon energy range, Chemical Physics, 393, 107-116, 2012
Martin Schwell, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, E. Es-Sebbar, F. Gaie-Levrel, N. Champion and S. Leach, Ionization photophysics and Rydberg spectroscopy of diacetylene, Mol. Phys., 110, 2843-2856, 2012
Jacquinet-Husson N., L. Crepeau, R. Armante, C. Boutammine, A. Chédin, N.A. Scott, C. Crevoisier, V. Capelle, C. Boone, N. Poulet-Crovisier, A. Barbe, A. Campargue, D. Chris Benner, Yves Benilan, B. Bézard, V. Boudon, L.R. Brown, Laurent Coudert, A. Coustenis, V. Dana, V.M. Devi, S. Fally, A. Fayt, Jean-Marie Flaud, A. Goldman, M. Herman, G.J. Harris, D. Jacquemart, Antoine Jolly, Isabelle Kleiner, A. Kleinböhl, Fridolin Kwabia-Tchana, N. Lavrentieva, N. Lacome, Li-Hong Xu, O.M. Lyulin, J.-Y. Mandin, A. Maki, S. Mikhailenko, C.E. Miller, T. Mishina, N. Moazzen-Ahmadi, H.S.P. Müller, A. Nikitin, J. Orphal, V. Perevalov, A. Perrin, D.T. Petkie, A. Predoi-Cross, C.P. Rinsl, Agnes Perrin, The 2009 edition of the GEISA spectroscopic database, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 112, 2395-2445, 2011
Koskinen, T. T.; Yelle, R. V.; Snowden, D. S.; Lavvas, P.; Sandel, B. R., Fernando Capalbo, Yves Benilan, The mesosphere and lower thermosphere of Titan revealed by Cassini/UVIS stellar occultations, 216, 507-534, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2011.09.022, 2011
Es-sebbar Et., Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Antoine Jolly, C. D. Pintassilgo, Absolute ground-state nitrogen atom density in a N2/CH4 late afterglow: TALIF experiments and modeling studies, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 43, 335203-335, 2010
Nicolas Fray, Yves Benilan, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Antoine Jolly, Martin Schwell, E. Arzoumanian, T. Ferradaz, E. Es-Sebbar and J.C. Guillemin, Temperature dependent photoabsorption cross section of cyanodiacetylene in the vacuum UV, J. Geophys. Res., 115, DOI: 10.1029/2009JE003518, 2010
Antoine Jolly, A. Fayt, Yves Benilan, D. Jacquemart, C. A. Nixon, D. E. Jennings, The n8 bending mode of diacetylene: from laboratory spectroscopy to the detection of 13C isotopologues in Titan?s atmosphere, Astrophysical Journal, 714, 852-859, 2010
Romanzin C. , E. Arzoumanian, Et. Es-sebbar, Antoine Jolly, S. Perrier, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Combined experimental and theoretical studies on methane photolysis at 121.6 nm and 248 nm - implications on a program of laboratory simulations of Titan's atmosphere, Planet. and Space Sci., 58, 1748-1757, 2010
Coustenis A., S. Atreya et al. including, Francois Raulin, Yves Benilan, Patrice Coll, (more than 100 authors), Tandem: Titan and Enceladus mission, Exp. Astronomy, 23, 893-946, 2009
Es-Sebbar E., Yves Benilan, Antoine Jolly, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Characterization of an N2 flowing microwave post-discharge by OES spectroscopy and determination of absolute ground-state nitrogen atom densities by TALIF, J. Phys. D-Applied Phys., 42, 11, 2009
Ferradaz T., Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Antoine Jolly, Martin Schwell, Marie-Claire Gazeau, H.W. Jochim, Temperature-dependent photoabsorption cross-sections of cyanoacetylene and diacetylene in the mid- and vacuum-UV: Application to Titan's atmosphere, Planet. Space Sci., 57, 10-22, 2009
Ferradaz T., Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Antoine Jolly, Martin Schwell, Marie-Claire Gazeau, H.W. Jochim, Temperature-dependent photoabsorption cross-sections of cyanoacetylene and diacetylene in the mid- and vacuum-UV: Application to Titan's atmosphere, Planet. Space Sci., 57, 10-22, 2009
Berteloite C., S.D. Le Picard, P. Birza, Marie-Claire Gazeau, A. Canosa, Yves Benilan, I.R. Sims, Low temperature (39-298 K) kinetics study of the reactions of the C4H radical with various hydrocarbons observed in Titan's atmosphere, Icarus, 194, 746-755, 2008
Coustenis A., D. Jennings, Antoine Jolly, Yves Benilan, C. A. Nixon, S. Vinatier, D. Gautier and G. Bjoraker, Detection of C2HD and the D/H ratio on Titan, Icarus, 197, 539-548, 2008
Coustenis A., and 155 co-authors, including, Francois Raulin, Yves Benilan, Patrice Coll, TandEM: Titan and Enceladus mission, Exp. Astron., Doi:10.1007/s10686-008-9103, 2008
Crépin C., L. Moneron, S. Douin, S. Boye-Peronne, R. Kolos, M. Turowski, M. Gronowski, J. Sepiol, Yves Benilan, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Tentative identification of C3N center dot radical luminescence in solid krypton, J. Chem., 82, 741-749, 2008
Marie-Claire Gazeau, Martin Schwell, Antoine Jolly, Yves Benilan, Isabelle Kleiner, Francois Raulin, Photochemistry in planetary atmospheres: in search of the prebiotic molecules, Actualité Chimique, 315, XIX-XXIV, 2008
Antoine Jolly, Yves Benilan, Review of quantitative spectroscopy of polyynes, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 109, 963-973, 2008
Antoine Jolly, Yves Benilan, E. Cané, L. Fusina, F. Tamassia, A. Fayt, S. Robert and M. Herman, Measured integrated band intensities and simulated line by line spectra for 12C2HD between 25 and 2.5 ?m, and new global vibration?rotation parameters for the bending vibrations, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 109, 2846-2856, 2008
Romanzin C., Yves Benilan, Antoine Jolly, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Photolytic behavior of methane at Lyman-a and 248 nm: studies in the frame of a simulation program of Titan?s atmosphere (S.E.T. U.P.), Adv. Space Res., 42, 2036-2044, 2008
Marie-Claire Gazeau, Martin Schwell, Antoine Jolly, Yves Benilan, Isabelle Kleiner, Francois Raulin, Photochemistry in planetary atmospheres: in search of the prebiotic molecules, Actualité Chimique, 315, XIX-XXIV, 2008
Antoine Jolly, Yves Benilan, Review of quantitative spectroscopy of polyynes, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 109, 963-973, 2008
Antoine Jolly, Yves Benilan, E. Cané, L. Fusina, F. Tamassia, A. Fayt, S. Robert and M. Herman, Measured integrated band intensities and simulated line by line spectra for 12C2HD between 25 and 2.5 ?m, and new global vibration?rotation parameters for the bending vibrations, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 109, 2846-2856, 2008
Yves Benilan, Antoine Jolly, Y. Trolez, Francois Raulin, J.-C. Guillemin, Infrared band intensities of cyanobutadlyne (HC5N) between 400 and 4000 cm-1, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 245, 109-114, 2007
Hébrard E., M. Dobrijevic, Yves Benilan, Francois Raulin, Photochemical kinetics uncertainties in modeling Titan's atmosphere: First consequences, Planet. Space Science, 55, 1470-1489, 2007
Antoine Jolly, Yves Benilan, A. Fayt, New infrared integrated band intensities for HC3N and extensive line list for the ?5 and ?6 bending modes, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 242, 46-54, 2007
Yves Benilan, Antoine Jolly, Y. Trolez, Francois Raulin, nd J.-C. Guillemin, Infrared band intensities of cyanobutadlyne (HC5N) between 400 and 4000 cm-1, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 245, 109-114, 2007
Antoine Jolly, Yves Benilan, and A. Fayt, New infrared integrated band intensities for HC3N and extensive line list for the ?5 and ?6 bending modes, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 242, 46-54, 2007
Yves Benilan, Antoine Jolly, Francois Raulin, and J.-C. Guillemin, IR band intensities of DC3N and HC315N: implication for observations of Titan's atmosphere, Planet. Space Sci., 54, 635-640, 2006
Nicolas Fray, Yves Benilan, N. Biver, D. Bockelée-Morvan, Herve Cottin, J. Crovisier, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Heliocentric evolution of the degradation of polyoxylmethylene. Application to the origin of the formaldehyde (H2CO) extended source in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), Icarus, 184, 239-254, 2006
Hébrard E., M. Dobrijevic, Yves Benilan, Francois Raulin, Photochemical kinetics uncertainties in modeling Titan?s atmosphere: a review, J. Photochem. Photobiol. C: Photochem. Rev., 7, 211-230, 2006
Romanzin C., S. Boyé-Péronne and D. Gauyacq, Yves Benilan, Marie-Claire Gazeau, and S. Douin, CH radical production from 248 nm photolysis or discharge-jet dissociation of CHBr3 probed by cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys., 125, 114312, 2006
Vuitton V., Jean-Francois Doussin, Yves Benilan, Francois Raulin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Experimental and theoretical study of hydrocarbon photochemistry applied to Titan stratosphere, Icarus, 185, 287-300, 2006
Yves Benilan, Antoine Jolly, Francois Raulin, and J.-C. Guillemin, IR band intensities of DC3N and HC315N: implication for observations of Titan's atmosphere, Planet. Space Sci., 54, 635-640, 2006
Nicolas Fray, Yves Benilan, Herve Cottin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, and J. Crovisier, The origin of the CN radical in comets: A review from observations and models, Planet. Space Sci., 53, 1243-1262, 2005
Hébrard E., Yves Benilan, Francois Raulin, Sensitivity effects of photochemical parameters uncertainties on hydrocarbon production in the atmosphere of Titan, Adv. Space Res., 36, 268-273, 2005
Romanzin C., Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, E. Hébrard, Antoine Jolly, Francois Raulin, S. Boyé-Peronne, S. Douin, D. Gauyacq, N. Shafizadeh and G. Taieb, Laboratory investigations on CH4 photochemistry in the frame of a new experimental program of Titan?s atmosphere simulation, Adv. Space Res., 36, 258-267, 2005
Nicolas Fray, Yves Benilan, Herve Cottin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, R.D. Minard, Francois Raulin, Experimental study of the degradation of polymers. Application to the origin of extended sources in cometary atmospheres, Meteor. Planet. Sci., 39, 581-587, 2004
Nicolas Fray, Yves Benilan, Herve Cottin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, New experimental results on the degradation of polyoxymethylene. Application to the origin of the formaldehyde extended source in comets, J. Geophys. Res., 109, E07S12, 2004
Herve Cottin, Yves Benilan, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Francois Raulin, Origin of cometary extended sources from degradation of refractory organics on grains: polyoxymethylene as formaldehyde parent molecule, Icarus, 167, 397-416, 2004
Vuitton V., C. Gée,, Francois Raulin, Yves Benilan, C. Crépin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Intrinsic lifetime of C4H2*: implication for the photochemistry of in Titan’s atmosphere, Planet. Space Sci., 51, 847-852, 2003
Shindo F., Yves Benilan, J.-C. Guillemin, P. Chaquin, Antoine Jolly, Francois Raulin, Ultraviolet and infrared spectrum of C6H2 revisited and vapour pressure curve in Titan’s atmosphere, Planet. Space Sci., 51, 9-17, 2003
Herve Cottin, M.H. Moore, Yves Benilan, Photodestruction of relevant interstellar molecules in ice mixtures, Astrophys. J., 590, 874-881, 2003
Scemama A., P. Chaquin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Theoretical study of the structure and properties of polyynes, monocyano and dicyanoplyynes: predictions for long chain compounds, J. Phys. Chem. A, 106, 3828-3837, 2002
Scemama A., P. Chaquin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Semi-empirical calculation of electronic absorption wavelengths of polyynes, monocyano- and di-cyanopolyynes. Predictions for long chain compounds and carbon allotrope carbyne, Chem. Phys. Letters, 361, 5-6,520-52, 2002
Cernicharo J., J. R. Goicoechea, Yves Benilan, A new infrared band in the interstellar and circumstellar clouds: C4 or C4H, Astrophys. J., 580, 157-160, 2002
Vuitton V., A. Scemama, Marie-Claire Gazeau, P. Chaquin, Yves Benilan, IR and UV spectroscopic data for polyynes: predictions for long carbon chain compounds in Titan's atmosphere, Adv. Space Res., 27, 283-288, 2001
Tartag A., Yves Benilan, D. Samain, G. Thuillier and P. Bruston, High spectral resolution solar irradiance in the 184.5 to 232.5 nm range from the SOLSPEC and UVSP spectrometers, Solar Physics, 201, 253-269, 2001
Shindo F., Yves Benilan, P. Chaquin, J.-C. Guillemin,, Antoine Jolly, Francois Raulin, IR spectrum of C8H2: integrated band intensities and some observational implications, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 210, 191-195, 2001
Herve Cottin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, P. Chaquin, Francois Raulin, Yves Benilan, Experimental and theoretical studies on the gas/solid/gas transformation cycle in extraterrestrial environments, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 325-33, 2001
Herve Cottin, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Francois Raulin, Polyoxymethylene as parent molecule for the formaldehyde extended source in comet Halley, Astrophys. J., 556, 417-420, 2001
Basiuk V.A., R. Navarro-González, Yves Benilan, Francois Raulin, PM3, AM1, MNDO and MINDO3 semi empirical IR spectra simulations for compounds of interest for Titan’s chemistry: Diazomethane, Methyl Azide, Methyl Isocyanide, Diacetylene and Triacetylene, Spectrochimica Acta A, 57, 505-511, 2001
Vuitton V., Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Francois Raulin, A review of gas phase photochemistry of Titan's atmosphere: observations, laboratory simulation experiments and photochemical models, Res. Adv. in Photochem. Photobiol., 1, 227-245, 2000
Yves Benilan, N. Smith, Antoine Jolly, Francois Raulin, The long wavelength range temperature variations of the mid-UV acetylene absorption coefficient, Planet. Space Sci., 48, 463-471, 2000
Basiuk V.A., R. Navarro-Gonzalez,, Yves Benilan, Francois Raulin, PM3, AM1, MNDO and MINDO3 semi-empirical IR spectra simulations for some nitriles of interest for Titan’s chemistry, Spectrochimica Acta A, 56, 1157-1165, 2000
Francois Raulin, Patrice Coll, N. Smith, Yves Benilan, P. Bruston, Marie-Claire Gazeau, New insights into Titan’s organic chemistry in the gas and aerosol phases, Adv. Space Res., 24, 453-460, 1999
Khlifi M., M. Nollet, P. Paillous, P. Bruston, Francois Raulin, Yves Benilan, R. Khanna, Absolute intensities of the infrared bands of gaseous acrylonitrile, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 194, 206-210, 1999
Smith N., Yves Benilan, P. Bruston, The temperature dependent absorption cross sections of C4H2 at mid ultraviolet wavelengths, Planet. Space Sci., 46, 1215-1220, 1998
Khlifi M., P. Paillous, P. Bruston, J.-C. Guillemin, Yves Benilan, A. Daoudi, Francois Raulin, Gas infrared spectra, assignments, and absolute IR band intensities of C4N2 in the 250-3500 cm-1 region: implications for Titan's atmosphere, Spectrochimica Acta, 53, 707-712, 1997
Yves Benilan, D. Andrieux D., M. Khlifi, P. Bruston, Francois Raulin, C. Cossart-Magos and J.-C. Guillemin, Temperature dependence of HC3N, C6H2, and C4N2 mid-UV absorption coefficients. Application to the interpretation of Titan's atmospheric spectra, Astrophys. Space Sci., 236, 85-95, 1996
Yves Benilan, P. Bruston, Francois Raulin, R. Courtin and J.-C. Guillemin, Absolute absorption coefficient of C6H2 in the mid-UV range at low temperature; implications for the interpretation of Titan atmospheric spectra, Planet. Space Sci., 43, 83-89, 1995
Yves Benilan, D. Andrieux and P. Bruston, Mid-UV acetylene cross-sections revisited; sample contamination risk in source data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 897-900, 1995
Andrieux D., Yves Benilan, E. de Vanssay, P. Paillous, M. Khlifi, Francois Raulin, P. Bruston and J.-C. Guillemin, Absorption coefficient of propynenitrile in the mid-UV range for the study of Titan's atmosphere: Solution to sample contaminations, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 9455-9460, 1995
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