Stephane ALFARO
Stephane Alfaro
11 years ago
Professeur UPEC
MSE 204
Cycle de l'aérosol désertique,Pollution oxydante et particulaire

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Alfaro Stephane

Publications de Stephane ALFARO au LISA

Mostafa, A.N., Stephane Alfaro, Robaa, S.M.; Zakey, A.S.; Abdel Wahab, M.M., Heatwaves and Their Impact on Air Quality in Greater Cairo, Egypt, Atmosphere, 15, 637,, 2024

Flores-Aqueveque, V., T. Villasenor, C. Gomez-Fontealba, B.V. Alloway, Stephane Alfaro, H. Pizarro, L. Guerra, and P.I. Moreno, Multisequal aeolian deposition during the Holocene in southwestern Patagonia (51◦S) was modulated by southern westerly wind intensity and vegetation type, Quaternary science Reviews, 331, 108616,, 2024

M. H. ElTaweel, Stephane Alfaro, Guillaume Siour, Adriana Coman, S. M. Robaa, M. M. Abdel Wahab, Prediction and forecast of surface wind using ML tree‑based algorithms, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 136:1,, 2023

Said S;, Z. Salah, M. Abdel Wahab, Stephane Alfaro, Retrieving PM10 surface concentration from AERONET Aerosol Optical Depth: the Cairo and Delhi megacities case studies, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 51, 1797–1807 ,, 2023

Boraiy Mohamed, Mossad El-Metwally, Ali Wheida, Mostafa El Nazer, Salwa Kamal, Stephane Alfaro, Magdy Abdelwahab, and Agnès Borbon, A statistical analysis of the variability of reactive trace gases (SO2, NO2 and ozone) in Greater Cairo during dust storm events, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry,, 2023

M. Boraiy, M. El‑Metwally, A. Borbon, Servanne Chevaillier, Benoit Laurent, Lafon Sandra, F. F. El Sanabary, M. Masmoudi, Stephane Alfaro, Elemental ratios as tracers of the sources of mineral dust in north‑eastern Sahara, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,, 2023

Gómez-Fontealba, C.; Flores-Aqueveque, V., Stephane Alfaro, Teleconnection between the Surface Wind of Western Patagonia and the SAM, ENSO, and PDO Modes of Variability, Atmosphere, 14, 608,, 2023

Stephane Alfaro, Christel Bouet, Bouthaina Khalfallah, Y. Shao, M. Ishizuka, M. Labiadh, Beatrice Marticorena, Benoit Laurent, Jean-Louis Rajot, Unravelling the roles of saltation bombardment and atmospheric instability on magnitude and size distribution of dust emission fluxes: Lessons from the JADE and WIND-O-V experiments, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD035,, 2022

Gómez-Fontealba, C.; Flores-Aqueveque, V., Stephane Alfaro, Variability of the Southwestern Patagonia (51_S) Winds in the Recent (1980–2020) Period: Implications for Past Wind Reconstructions, Atmosphere, 13, 206,, 2022

Aline Petitmangin, I. Guillot, Anne Chabas, S. Nowak, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Stephane Alfaro, Caroline Blanc, C. Fourdrin, Patrick Ausset, The complex atmospheric corrosion of α/δ bronze bells in a marine environment, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 52, 153-163,, 2021

Pauline Uring, Anne Chabas, Stephane Alfaro, Textile ageing due to atmospheric gases and particles in indoor cultural heritage, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 66340–6635,, 2021

Pauline Uring, Anne Chabas, Stephane Alfaro, Derbez M., Assessment of indoor air quality for a better preventive conservation of some French museums and monuments, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 42850–4286,, 2020

M. El-Metwally, M. Korany, M. Boraiy, E. Ebada, M.M Abdel Wahab, K. Hungershoefer, Stephane Alfaro, Evidence of anthropization of aerosols in the Saharan and peri-Saharan regions: implications for the atmospheric transfer of solar radiation, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 199, 105199,, 2020

Mariem Bibi, Mohamed Saad, Mohamed Masmoudi, Benoit Laurent, Stephane Alfaro, Spatial and temporal variability of the atmospheric dust load and deposition fluxes along the North-African coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Atmos. Research,, 2019

Amira N. Mostafa, Ali Wheida, Mostafa El Nazer, Mona Adel, Lamia El Leithy, Guillaume Siour, Adriana Coman, Agnes Borbon, Abel Wahab Magdy, Mohamed Omar, Amal Saad-Hussein, Stephane Alfaro, Past (1950–2017) and future (2100) temperature and precipitation trends in Egypt, Weather and Climate Extremes,, 2019

Mostafa Amira N., Ashraf S. Zakey, Stephane Alfaro, Ali Wheida, A. Soltan Monem, and M. M. Abdul Wahab, Validation of RegCM-CHEM4 Model by Comparison with Surface Measurements in the Greater Cairo (Egypt) Megacity, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26 (23), 23524-2354,, 2019

Pauline Uring, Anne Chabas, Stephane Alfaro, Dust deposition on textile and its evolution in indoor cultural heritage, The European Physical Journal Plus, 134, 255-263,, 2019

Anne Chabas, Sizun J. P, Lucile Gentaz, Pauline Uring, Phan A., Adriana Coman, Stephane Alfaro, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Edouard Pangui, Pascal Zapf, Huet F., Water content of limestones submitted to realistic wet deposition: a CIME2 chamber simulation, Environmental Science and Technology, 25, 23973-2398, 10.1007/s11356-018-2433-0, 2018

Pauline Uring, Anne Chabas, Dominique De Reyer, Lucile Gentaz, Sylvain Triquet, Cecile Mirande-Bret, Stephane Alfaro, The Bayeux embroidery: a dust deposition assessment, Heritage Science, 6, 23-31,, 2018

Saad Mohamed, Meriam Bibi, Mohamed Masmoudi, Servanne Chevaillier, Stephane Alfaro, Compositional variability of the aerosols collected in Sfax (Central Tunisia), Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 172, 53-62,, 2018

Wheida Ali, Amira Nasser, Mostafa El Nazer, Agnes Borbon, Gehad A. Abo El Ata, Magdy Abdel Wahab, Stephane Alfaro, Tackling the mortality from long-term exposure to outdoor air pollution in megacities: lessons from the Greater Cairo case study, Environmental Research, 160, 223-231,, 2018

M. Boraiy, M. Korany, Y. Aoun, Stephane Alfaro, M. El-Metwally, M. M. Abdel Wahab, P. Blanc, Y. Eissa, H. Ghedira, Guillaume Siour, K. Hungershoefer, and L. Wald, Including aerosol optical depth improves existing models for the retrieval in cloud-free conditions of the direct normal from the measured global irradiance in Egypt, Meteorologische Zeitschrift,, 2017

Mohamed Saad, Amel Trabelsi, Mohamed Masmoudi, Stephane Alfaro, Spatial and temporal variability of the atmospheric turbidity in Tunisia, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar–Terrestrial Physics, 149, 93-99,, 2016

Korany, M., M. Boraiy, Y. Eissa, Y. Aoun, M. M. Abdel Wahab, Stephane Alfaro, P. Blanc, M. El-Metwally, H. Ghedira, K. Hungershoefer, and L. Wald, A database of multi-year (2004-2010) quality-assured surface solar hourly irradiation measurements for the Egyptian territory, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 105–113, 10.5194/essd-8-105-2016, 2016

Trabelsi A., M. Masmoudi, Jean-Paul Quisefit, Stephane Alfaro, Compositional variability of the aerosols collected on Kerkennah Islands (Central Tunisia), Atmos. Res., 169, 292-300, 2016

Eissa Y., Korany M., Aoun Y., Boraiy M., Abdel Wahab M., Stephane Alfaro, Blanc P. , El-Metwally M., Ghedira H., Hungershoefer K., and Wald L., Validation of the surface downwelling solar irradiance estimates of the HelioClim-3 database in Egypt, Remote Sens., 7, 9269-9291, 2015

Flores-Aqueveque V., Stephane Alfaro, G. Vargas, J. A. Rutllant and S. Caquineau, Aeolian particles in marine cores as a tool for quantitative high-resolution reconstruction of upwelling favorable winds along coastal Atacama Desert, Northern Chile, Progress in Oceanography, 134, 244-255, 2015

Trabelsi A., M. Saad, M. Masmoudi, Stephane Alfaro, Atmospheric aerosols and their impact on surface solar irradiation in Kerkennah Islands (eastern Tunisia), Atmos. Res., 161-162, 102-107, 2015

Masmoudi M., Stephane Alfaro, M. El Metwally, A comparison of the physical properties of desert dust retrieved from the sunphotometer observation of major events in the Sahara, Sahel, and Arabian Peninsula, Atmos. Res., 158-159, 24-35, 2015

Flores-Aqueveque V., G. Vargas, Stephane Alfaro, S. Caquineau, and J. Valdés, Assessing the origin and variability of eolian lithic material for high-resolution paleoceanographic reconstructions off Northern Chile (23° S), J. Sedimentary Res., 84, 897-904, 2014

Flores-Aqueveque V., S. Caquineau, Stephane Alfaro, J. Valdés and G. Vargas, Using image-based size analysis for determining the size distribution and flux of eolian particles sampled In coastal northern Chile (23° S), J. Sediment. Res., 84, 238-244, 2014

El-Metwally, Stephane Alfaro, Correlation between meteorological conditions and aerosol characteristics at an East-Mediterranean coastal site, Atmos Res., 132-133, 76-90, 2013

Menut, L., C. Perez Garcia-Pando, K. Haustein, B. Bessagnet, C. Prigent, Stephane Alfaro, Relative impact of roughness and soil texture on mineral dust emission fluxes modeling, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 6505-6520, 2013

Flores-Aqueveque V., Stephane Alfaro, S. Caquineau, Gilles Foret, G. Vargas, and J. Rutllant, Inter-annual variability of southerly winds in a coastal area of the Atacama Desert: implications for the export of aeolian sediments to the adjacent marine environment, Sedimentology, 59, 990-1000, 2012

Stephane Alfaro, Flores-Aqueveque V., Gilles Foret, S. Caquineau, G. Vargas, and J. Rutllant, Modeling the uptake, transport, and deposition of wind-eroded mineral particles into a bay in north Chile, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36, 923-932, doi: 10.1002/esp.2122, 2011

El-Metwally M., Stephane Alfaro, M.M. Abdel Wahab, A.S. Zakey and B. Chatenet, Aerosol properties and associated radiative effects over Cairo (Egypt), Atmos. Res., 97, 263-276, 2011

El-Metwally M., Stephane Alfaro, M.M. Abdel Wahab, A.S. Zakey and B. Chatenet, Seasonal and inter-annual variability of the aerosol content in Cairo (Egypt) as deduced from the comparison of MODIS aerosol retrievals with direct AERONET measurements, Atmospheric Research, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.03.003, 2010

Flores-Aqueveque V., Stephane Alfaro, R. Muñoz, J.A. Rutllant, S. Caquineau, J. LeRoux and G. Vargas, vAeolian sand transport over the Pampa Mejillones in the coastal Atacama Desert of northern Chile, Geomorphology,, 2010

Che H.Z., X.Y. Zhang, Stephane Alfaro, B. Chatenet, L. Gomes and J.Q. Zhao, Aerosol optical properties and its radiative forcing over Yulin, China in 2001 and 2002, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 26, 3, 564-576, 2009

Favez O., Stephane Alfaro, J. Sciare, H. Cachier and M.M. Abdelwahab, Ambient Measurements of Light-Absorption by Agricultural Waste Burning Organic Aerosols, Aerosol Science, doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2009.04.002, 2009

El-Metwally M., Stephane Alfaro, M. Abdel Wahab and B. Chatenet, Aerosol characteristics over urban Cairo: seasonal variations as retrieved from sun photometer measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D14219, doi:10.1029/2008JD009834, 2008

Stephane Alfaro, Influence of soil texture on the binding energies of fine mineral dust particles potentially released by wind erosion, Geomorphology, 93, 157-167, 2008

El-Metwally M., Stephane Alfaro, M. Abdel Wahab, and B. Chatenet, Aerosol characteristics over urban Cairo: Seasonal variations as retrieved from Sun photometer measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D14219, doi:10.1029/2008JD009834, 2008

Favez, O., Cachier H., Sciare J., El-Araby T.M., Stephane Alfaro, Harhash and M.A., Abdel Wahab M.M., Seasonality of major aerosol species in Greater Cairo (Egypt), Atmos. Environ, 42, 1503-1516, 2008

Mahmoud K.F., Stephane Alfaro, Favez, M.M. Abdel Wahab and J. Sciare, Origin of black carbon concentration peaks in Cairo (Egypt), Atmos. Res., doi:10.101, 2008

Mei F.M., Jean-Louis Rajot, Stephane Alfaro, L. Gomes, X.Y. Zhang and T. Wang, Validating a dust production model by field experiment in Mu Us Desert, China, Chin. Sci. Bull., 51, 878884, 2006

Lasserre F., G. Cautenet, Stephane Alfaro, L. Gomes, S. Lafon, A. Gaudichet, B. Chatenet, Michel Maille, H. Cachier, P. Chazette and X.Y. Zhang, Development and validation of a simple mineral dust source inventory suitable for modelling in North Central China, Atmos. Environ., 39, 38313841, 2005

Stephane Alfaro, Jean-Louis Rajot, W. Nickling, Estimation of PM20 emissions by wind erosion: main sources of uncertainties, Geomorphology, 59, 63-74, 2004

Jean-Louis Rajot, Stephane Alfaro, L. Gomes and A. Gaudichet, Influence of sandy soil crusting on horizontal and vertical wind erosion fluxes, Catena, 53, 1-16, 2003

Gomes L., Jean-Louis Rajot, Stephane Alfaro, A. Gaudichet, Validation of a dust production model from measurements performed in Spain and Niger, Catena, 52, 257-271, 2003

Stephane Alfaro, L. Gomes, Jean-Louis Rajot, S. Lafon, A. Gaudichet, B. Chatenet, Michel Maille, G. Cautenet, F. Lasserre and X.Y. Zhang, Chemical and optical characterization of aerosols measured in spring 2002 at Chinese Ace-Asia Supersite (Zhenbeitai) China, J. Geophys. Res., 108, doi: 10.1029/2002JD003214, 2003

Stephane Alfaro, A. Gaudichet, Jean-Louis Rajot, . Gomes, Michel Maille, H. Cachier, Variability of aerosol size resolved composition at an Indian coastal site during the INDOEX intensive field phase, J. Geophys. Res., 108, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002645, 2003

Léon J.-F., P. Chazette, F. Dulac, J. Pelon, C. Flamant, M. Bonazzola, Gilles Foret, Stephane Alfaro, H. Cachier, S. Cautenet, E. Hamonou, A. Gaudichet, L. Gomes, Jean-Louis Rajot, F. Lavenu, S.R. Inamdar, P.R. Sarode and J.S. Kadadevarmath, Large scale advection of continental aerosols during INDOEX, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 427-440, 2001

Stephane Alfaro, L. Gomes, Modeling mineral aerosol production by wind erosion: Emission intensities and aerosol distributions in source areas, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 18075-1808, 2001

Stephane Alfaro, A. Gaudichet, L. Gomes, Michel Maille, Mineral aerosol production by wind erosion: aerosol particle size and binding energies, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 991-994, 1998

Stephane Alfaro, A. Gaudichet, L. Gomes, Michel Maille, Modeling the size-distribution of a soil aerosol produced by sandblasting, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 11239-1124, 1997

Stephane Alfaro, Gomes L., Improving the large-scale modeling of the saltation flux of soil-particles in the presence of nonerodible elements, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 16357-1636, 1995

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