SCUMA (Service Commun Universitaire de Microscopie électronique Analytique)





Technical manager: currently being recruited.


Scientific Manager : Aurélie Verney-Carron


For all inquiries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Localisation : Université Paris-Est Créteil - Campus Centre (94) – Bâtiment MSE

Main hosting laboratory : LISA

Year of creation/launch : 1997




SCUMA is a joint analytical electron microscopy service of UPEC, attached to LISA and its Technical Department (DT). Its autonomy enables it to ensure the technical management (maintenance, renewal, modernization) of all its instrumentation, as well as the scheduling of its use and the management of credits relating to its operation. SCUMA is characterized as a "shared analysis" service, whose main function is to exploit and acquire data in order to consolidate, certify and measure scientific results using tried and tested validation protocols in a wide range of fields. Its aim is to offer a quality service in response to the problems posed by researchers.


Instruments concerned


• Microscope Electronique en Balayage Ultra-Haute-Résolution à effet de champ avec un détecteur STEM (Hitachi SU8600), couplé à un détecteur de rayons X (SDD X-Max 80 mm² Oxford). Logiciel de traitement (AZtec Advanced INCA350 Oxford),

• Microscope électronique à Balayage (MEB) de table avec une pointe en tungstène, Hitachi TM4000 plus II, couplé à un spectromètre à dispersion d’énergie (EDS) Oxford Aztec One, • Microscope interférométrique Veeco, Wyko NT1100,

• Microscope photonique Leica Laborlux 12POLS + caméra CCD,

• Loupe binoculaire Leica MZ12 + caméra CCD,

• Logiciel de traitement d’images Histolab, Saisam et Archimède Microvision,

• Métalliseur sous vide Jeol-JFC 1100E + cibles Au et Pt,

• Système d’imprégnation sous vide Struers,

• Polisseuse Struers,

• Mini-tronçonneuse Struers.




SCUMA has four key missions:

- To provide instrumental support for research operations forming part of medium- to long-term scientific programs (national and international). This support is aimed primarily at UPEC research teams, but also at researchers from other universities or public research establishments. SCUMA provides technological and scientific support for the production of bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses;

- To provide instrumental support for more specific and generally more applied operations, aimed at small and medium-sized businesses, particularly but not exclusively in the Paris region. The companies concerned call on SCUMA's skills, not only for its technological know-how, but also for its knowledge of atmospheric aerosols and heritage materials;

- To train students and lecturers in the use of electron microscopy techniques, so as to make potentially regular users self-sufficient;

- Finally, as part of the university teaching program, to give lectures, tutorials and practical work in microscopy. At the same time, SCUMA organizes educational visits and microscopy workshops for high school students from the eastern Paris region.



How it works


The SCUMA platform is open to laboratories at UPEC and other universities, as well as to private companies. The technical and scientific managers are the main contacts for all requests. The platform's steering committee meets regularly to validate analysis costs and, if necessary, prioritize the various requests for analysis.