Aurelie Verney-Carron
10 years ago
MSE 211
Pollution oxydante et particulaire

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Verney-Carron Aurelie

Publications of Aurelie VERNEY-CARRON at LISA

Godet M., Loisel C., Vergès-Belmin V., Menguy N., Anne Chabas, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Mathilde Ropiquet, Jacquet Q., Queffelec A., Azéma A., Multi-scale characterization of lead-rich deposited particles originating from the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris, Science of The Total Environment, 946, 174309,, 2024

Chloé Boutillez, Anne Perez, Aurelie Verney-Carron, François Guyot, Stéphanie Rossano, The role of Fe in the browning of medieval model glasses in the presence of the Pseudomonas putida bacteria strain, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 188, 188, 105734,, 2024

Aurelie Verney-Carron, Loryelle Sessegolo, Anne Chabas, Tiziana Lombardo, Stéphanie Rossano, Anne Perez, Valentina Valbi, Chloé Boutillez, Camille Muller, Cyril Vaulot, Barbara Trichereau & Claudine Loisel, Alteration of medieval stained glass windows in atmospheric medium: review and simplified alteration model, npj Materials Degradation, 7, 24,, 2023

Clarisse Balland-Bolou-Bi, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Vanessa Alphonse, Alexandre Livet, Paloma Reboah, Samir Abbad-Andaloussi, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Effect of Cultivable Bacteria and Fungi on the Limestone Weathering Used in Historical Buildings, Diversity, 15, 587,, 2023

Nicolas Gratiot, Jérémie Klein, Marceau Challet, Olivier Dangles, Serge Janicot, Miriam Candelas, Géraldine Sarret, Géremy Panthou , Benoît Hingray, Nicolas Champollion, Julien Montillaud, Pascal Bellemain, Odin Marc, Cédric-Stéphane Bationo, Loïs Monnier, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Anne Delaballe, Nelly Bardet, Florence Nozay-Maurice, Anne-Sophie Loison, Franck Delbar, Sandrine Anquetin, Françoise Immel, Christophe Baehr, Fabien Malbet, Céline Berni, Laurence Delattre, Vincent Echevin, Elodie Petitdidier, Olivier Aumont, Florence Mi, A transition support system to build decarbonization scenarios in the academic community, PLOS SUSTAINABILITY AND TRANSFORMATION, 2(4), e0000049,, 2023

Valentina Valbi, Anne Perez, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Stéphanie Rossano, Impact of a Mn-oxidizing bacterial strain on the dissolution and browning of a Mn-bearing potash-lime silicate glass, npj materials degradation, 7, 20,, 2023

Aurelie Verney-Carron, Loryelle Sessegolo, Roger Lefevre, Peter Brimblecombe, Modelling the Alteration of Medieval Stained Glass as a Function of Climate and Pollution: Comparison between Different Methodologies, Heritage, 6, 3074-3088,, 2023

Paloma Reboah, Clarisse Balland Bolou-Bi, Sophie Nowak, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Influence of climatic factors on cyanobacteria and green algae development on building surface, PLoS ONE, 18(3), e0282140,, 2023

Valentina Valbi, Johann Leplat, Alexandre François, Anne Perez, Barbara Trichereau, Chloé Ranchoux, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Claudine Loisel, Stéphanie Rossano, Bacterial diversity on stained glass windows , International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 177, 105529,, 2023

Valbi V., Perez A., Aurelie Verney-Carron, Boutillez C., Ranchoux C., Fourdrin C., Rossano S. , Impact of biogenic exudates on the dissolution and browning of stained glass windows, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation , 173, 105442,, 2022

Loryelle Sessegolo, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Valle, Nathalie, Patrick Ausset, Narayanasamy, Sathya; Nowak, Sophie; Fourdrin, Chloé, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Anne Chabas, Alteration of potash-lime silicate glass in atmospheric medium: study of mechanisms and kinetics using 18O and D isotopes, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 570, 13 pp.,, 2021

Lucile Gentaz, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Loryelle Sessegolo, Anne Chabas, Nicolas Nuns, Laurent Remusat, Adriana Gonzalez-Cano, Chloé Fourdrin, Jean-Didier Mertz, Reactivity of secondary phases in weathered limestone using isotopic tracers (D and 18O), Environmental Science and Pollution Research , 28, 2810–2821,, 2021

A. Aroksay, E. Martin, S. Bekki, G. Montana, L. Randazzo, P. Cartigny, Anne Chabas, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Multi O- and S-isotopes as tracers of black crusts formation under volcanic and non-volcanic atmospheric conditions in Sicily (Italy), Science of The Total Environment, 750, 142283,, 2021

Loryelle Sessegolo, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Patrick Ausset, Nowak Sophie, Sylvain Triquet, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Anne Chabas, Alteration rate of medieval potash-lime silicate glass as a function of pH and temperature: A low pH-dependent dissolution, Chemical Geology, 550, 119704,, 2020

Perez A., Rossano S., Trcera N., Aurelie Verney-Carron, Rommevaux C., Fourdrin C., Agnelloa A.C., Huguenot D., Guyot F., Direct and indirect impact of the bacterial strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the dissolution of synthetic Fe(III)- and Fe(II)-bearing basaltic glasses, Chemical Geology, 523, 9-18,, 2019

Grontoft T., Aurelie Verney-Carron, Tidblad J., Cleaning Costs for European Sheltered White Painted Steel and Modern Glass Surfaces Due to Air Pollution Since the Year 2000, atmosphere, 10, 31,, 2019

Loryelle Sessegolo, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Patrick Ausset, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Anne Chabas, Effect of surface roughness on medieval-type glass alteration in aqueous medium, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 505, 260-271,, 2019

Loryelle Sessegolo, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Remusat L., Gonzalez-Cano A., Nuns N., Mertz J.D., Loisel C., Anne Chabas, Long-term weathering rate of stained-glass windows using H and O isotopes, npj Materials Degradation, 17, 9,, 2018

Tidblad J, Kreislová K, Faller M, de la Fuente D, Yates T, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Grøntoft T, Gordon A, Hans U., ICP Materials Trends in Corrosion, Soiling and Air Pollution (1987-2014), Materials (Basel), 10 (8), 969, 10.3390/ma10080969, 2017

Palomar T., Anne Chabas, D.M. Bastidas, D. de la Fuente, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Effect of marine aerosols on the alteration of silicate glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,, 2017

Aurelie Verney-Carron, Loryelle Sessegolo, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, N. Valle, Patrick Ausset, R. Losno, D. Mangind, T. Lombardo, Anne Chabas, C. Loisel, Understanding the mechanisms of Si–K–Ca glass alteration using silicon isotopes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 203, 404–421,, 2017

Loryelle Sessegolo, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, L. Remusat, A. Gonzalez-Cano, C. Loisel, Anne Chabas, Water Transport within Ancient Stained Glass Alteration Layer using Oxygen Isotopes, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 17, 814-817, Water Transport within Ancient Stained Glass Alter, 2017

Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Anne Chabas, Mertz J.-D., Colas E., Rozenbaum O., Sizun J.-P., Nowak S., Lucile Gentaz, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Weathering of limestone after several decades in an urban environment, Corrosion Science, 111, 742–752, 2016

Lucile Gentaz, Lombardo T., Anne Chabas, Loisel C., Neff D., Aurelie Verney-Carron, Role of secondary phases in the scaling of stained glass windows exposed to rain, Corrosion Science, 109, 206–216, 2016

Perez A., S. Rossano, N. Trcera, D. Huguenot, C. Fourdrin, Aurelie Verney-Carron, E. D. van Hullebusch and F. Guyot, Bioalteration of synthetic Fe(III)-, Fe(II)-bearing basaltic glasses and Fe-free glass in the presence of heterotrophic bacteria strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa: impact of siderophores, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 188, 147-162,, 2016

Aurelie Verney-Carron, Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, , Use of Hydrogen Isotopes to Understand Stained Glass Weathering, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 13,, 2015

Mandana Saheb-Djahromi, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Remusat L., Duhamel R., Gonzalez-Cano A., Mertz J.D., Loisel C., Anne Chabas, Rozenbaum O., Isotope Tracers to Investigate Reactive Zones in Stones from Built Cultural Heritage, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 13, 56-59,, 2015

Perez A., S. Rossano, N. Trcera, Aurelie Verney-Carron, D. Huguenot, E. D. van Hullebusch, G. Catillon, A. Razafitianamaharavo and F. Guyot, Impact of iron chelators on short-term dissolution of basaltic glass, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 162, 83-98, 2015 PDF

Morin G. P., N. Vigier, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Enhanced dissolution of basaltic glass in brackish waters: Impact on biogeochemical cycles, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 417, 1-8, 2015

Lombardo T., Anne Chabas, Aurelie Verney-Carron, H. Cachier, Sylvain Triquet, and S. Darchy, Physico-chemical characterisation of glass soiling in rural, urban and industrial environments, Environ. Sci. Poll. Res., 21, 9251-9258, 2014

Lombardo T., Gentaz L, Aurelie Verney-Carron, Anne Chabas, Loisel C., Neff D., Leroy E., Caracterisation of complex alteration layers in medieval glasses, Corrosion Science, 72, 10-19, 2013

Gentaz L., Lombardo T., Anne Chabas, Loisel C., Aurelie Verney-Carron, Impact of neocrystallisations on the SiO2-K2O-CaO glass degradation in dry atmospheric conditions, Atmospheric Environmen, 55, 459-466, 2012

Aurelie Verney-Carron, A.L. Dutot, T. Lombardo, Anne Chabas, Predicting changes of glass optical properties in polluted atmospheric environment by a neural network model, Atmospheric Environment, 54, 141-148, 2012

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