Nicolas FRAY
Nicolas Fray
11 years ago
P1 320
Exobiologie et astrochimie

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Fray Nicolas

Publications of Nicolas FRAY at LISA

Helgi Hrodmarsson, Martin Schwell, Nicolas Fray, Jean-Claude Guillemin, Majdi Hochlaf, and Emilie-Laure Zins, Vacuum Ultraviolet Single Photon Ionization and Decomposition of 2-Aminopropionitrile in Astrophysical Objects, The astrophysical Journal, 964, 26,, 2024

Hornung K., Mellado E.M., Stenzel O., Langevin Y., Merouane S., Nicolas Fray, Fischer H., Paquette J., Baklouti D., Bardyn A., Engrand C., Herve Cottin, Thirkell L., Briois C., Rynö J., Silen J., Schulz R., Siljeström S., Lehto H., Varmuza K., Koch A., Kissel J. and Hilchenbach M., On structural properties of comet 67/P dust particles collected in situ by ROSETTA/COSIMA from observations of electrical fragmentation, Planetary and Space Science, 236, 105747,, 2023

Katia Hadraoui, Herve Cottin, Ivanovski, S. L., Pascal Zapf, P. Altwegg, Yves Benilan, Y. Biver, N. Della Corte, V., Nicolas Fray, Lasue, J. Merouane, S. Rotundi, A. Zakharov, V., Distributed glycine in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (Corrigendum), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 651, C2,, 2021

Paquette J.A., Nicolas Fray, Bardyn A., Engrand C., Alexander C. M. O’D., Siljeström S., Herve Cottin, Merouane S., Robin Isnard, Stenzel O. J., Fischer H., Rynö J., Kissel J. and Hilchenbach M., The D/H Ratio Measured in the Dust of Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko Using Rosetta/COSIMA., MNRAS, 504, 4940-4951,, 2021

Gardner E., Lehto H.J., Lehto K., Nicolas Fray, Bardyn A., Lönnberg T., Merouane S., Robin Isnard, Herve Cottin, Hilchenbach M. and the COSIMA team, The detection of solid phosphorus and fluorine in the dust from the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499 (2), 1870-1873, 499, 1870-1873,, 2020

Hornung K., Mellado E.M., Paquette J., Nicolas Fray, Fischer H., Stenzel O., Baklouti D., Merouane S., Langevin Y., Bardyn A., Engrand C., Herve Cottin, Thirkell L., Briois C.,Modica P., Rynö J., Silen J., Schulz R., Siljeström S., Lehto H., Varmuza K., Koch A., Kissel J. and Hilchenbach M, Electrical properties of cometary dust particles derived from line shapes of TOF-SIMS spectra measured by the ROSETTA/COSIMA instrument, Planetary and Space Science, 182, 104758,, 2020

Varmuza K., Filzmoser P., Nicolas Fray, Herve Cottin, Merouane S., Stenzel O., Paquette J., Kissel J., Briois C., Baklouti D., Bardyn A., Siljeström A., Silén J. and Hilchenbach M, Composition of cometary particles versus distance to Sun during sample collection - based on multivariate evaluation of mass spectral data (Rosetta/COSIMA), Journal of Chemometrics, e3218,, 2020

A. Bellili, Z. Gouid, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, J.-C. Guillemin, M. Hochlaf, Martin Schwell, Single photon ionization of methyl isocyanide and the subsequent unimolecular decomposition of its cation: experiment and theory, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 26017-2602,, 2019

Katia Hadraoui, Herve Cottin, S. L. Ivanovski, Pascal Zapf, K. Altwegg, Yves Benilan, N. Biver, V. Della Corte, Nicolas Fray, J. Lasue, S. Merouane, A. Rotundi and V. Zakharov, Distributed glycine in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 630, A32,, 2019

Robin Isnard, Bardyn A., Nicolas Fray, Briois C., Herve Cottin, Paquette J., Stenzel O., Alexander C., Baklouti D., Engrand C., Orthous-Daunay F-R., Siljeström S., Varmuza K., and Hilchenbach M., H/C elemental ratio of the refractory organic matter in cometary particles of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko., Astronomy and Astrophysics, 630, A27,, 2019

L. Selliez, C. Briois, N. Carrasco, L. Thirkell, R. Thissen, M. Ito, F.-R. Orthous-Daunay, G. Chalumeau, F. Colin, Herve Cottin, C. Engrand, L. Flandinet, Nicolas Fray, B. Gaubicher, Noel Grand, J.-P. Lebreton, A. Makarov, S. Ruocco, C. Szopa, V. Vuitton, Pascal Zapf, Identification of organic molecules with a laboratory prototype based on the Laser Ablation-CosmOrbitrap, Planetary and Space Science, 170, 42-51,, 2019

Varmuza K., P. Filzmoser, I. Hoffmann, J. Walach, Herve Cottin, Nicolas Fray, C. Briois, P. Modica, A. Bardyn, J. Silen, S. Siljestrom, O. Stenzel, J. Kissel and M. Hilchenbach, Significance of variables for discrimination: Applied to the search of organic ions in mass spectra measured on cometary particles, Journal of Chemometrics, 32,, 2018

Paquette J. A., C. Engrand, M. Hilchenbach, Nicolas Fray, O. J. Stenzel, J. Silen, J. Ryno and J. Kissel, The oxygen isotopic composition (O-18/O-16) in the dust of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko measured by COSIMA on-board Rosetta, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477, 3836-3844,, 2018

Olivia Venot, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Lefèvre, F.; Es-sebbar, Et.; Hébrard, E., Martin Schwell, Chiheb Bahrini, Montmessin, F., Maxence Lefevre, Waldmann, I. P., VUV-absorption cross section of carbon dioxide from 150 to 800 K and applications to warm exoplanetary atmospheres, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 609, A34,, 2018

Anais Bardyn, Donia Baklouti, Herve Cottin, Nicolas Fray, Christelle Briois, John Paquette, Oliver Stenzel, Cécile Engrand, Henning Fischer, Klaus Hornung, Robin Isnard, Yves Langevin, Harry Lehto, Léna Le Roy, Nicolas Ligier, Sihane Merouane, Paola Modica, François-Régis Orthous-Daunay, Jouni Rynö, Rita Schulz, Johan Silén, Laurent Thirkell, Kurt Varmuza, Boris Zaprudin, Jochen Kissel, Martin Hilchenbach, Carbon-rich dust in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko measured by COSIMA/Rosetta, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, S712-S722, 10.1093/mnras/stx2640, 2017

Nicolas Fray, Anais Bardyn, Herve Cottin, D. Baklouti, C. Briois, C. Engrand, H. Fischer, K. Hornung, Robin Isnard, Y. Langevin, H. Lehto, L. Le Roy, E. M. Mellado, S. Merouane, Paola Modica, F.-R. Orthous-Daunay, J. Paquette, J. Rynö, R. Schulz, J. Silén, S. Siljeström, O. Stenzel, L. Thirkell, K. Varmuza, B. Zaprudin, J. Kissel and M. Hilchenbach, Nitrogen to carbon atomic ratio measured by COSIMA in the particles of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,, 2017

Martin Hilchenbach, Henning Fischer, Yves Langevin, Sihane Merouane, John Paquette, Jouni Rynö, Oliver Stenzel, Christelle Briois, Jochen Kissel, Andreas Koch, Rita Schulz, Johan Silen, Nicolas Altobelli, Donia Baklouti,, Anais Bardyn, Herve Cottin, Cecile Engrand, Nicolas Fray, Gerhard Haerendel, Hartmut Henkel, Herwig Höfner, Klaus Hornung, Harry Lehto, Eva Maria Mellado, Paola Modica, Lena Le Roy, Sandra Siljeström, Wolfgang Steiger, Laurent Thirkell, Roger Thomas, Klaus Torkar, Kurt Varmuza, Boris Zaprudin, Mechanical and electrostatic experiments with dust particles collected in the inner coma of comet 67P by COSIMA onboard Rosetta, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 375, 20160255, 10.1098/rsta.2016.0255, 2017

Nicolas Fray, Anais Bardyn, Herve Cottin, Altwegg, K., Baklouti, D., Briois, C., Colangeli, L., Engrand, C., Fischer, H., Glasmachers, A., Grün, E., Haerendel, G., Henkel, H., Höfner, H., Hornung, K., Jessberger, E.K., Koch, A., Krüger, H., Langevin, Y., Lehto, H., Lehto, K., Le Roy, L., Merouane, Paola Modica, Orthous-Daunay, F.-R., Paquette, J., Francois Raulin, Rynö, J., Schulz, R., Silén, J., Siljeström, S., Steiger, W., Stenzel, O., Stephan, T., Thirkell, L., Thomas, R., Torkar, K., Varmuza, K., Wanczek, K.-P., Zaprudin, B., Kissel, J. and Hilchenbach, M., High-molecular-weight organic matter in the particles of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, Nature, 538(7623), 72-74, 10.1038/nature19320, 2016

Hilchenbach, M., Kissel, J., Langevin, Y., Briois, C., Hoerner, H.v., Koch, A., Schulz, R., Silén, J., Altwegg, K., Colangeli, L., Herve Cottin, Engrand, C., Fischer, H., Glasmachers, A., Grün, E., Haerendel, G., Henkel, H., Höfner, H., Hornung, K., Jessberger, E.K., Lehto, H., Lehto, K., Francois Raulin, Roy, L.L., Rynö, J., Steiger, W., Stephan, T., Thirkell, L., Thomas, R., Torkar, K., Varmuza, K., Wanczek, K.P., Altobelli, N., Baklouti, D., Anais Bardyn, Nicolas Fray, Krüger, H., Ligier, N., Lin, Z., Martin, P., Merouane, S., Orthous-Daunay, F.R., Paquette, J., Revillet, C., Siljeström, S., Stenzel, O. and Zaprudin, B., Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko: Close-up on Dust Particle Fragments, Astrophys. J. Lett., 816 (2), L32, 10.3847/2041-8205/816/2/L32, 2016

Engrand C., J. Duprat, E. Dartois, K. Benzerara, H. Leroux, D. Baklouti, Anais Bardyn, C. Briois, Herve Cottin, H. Fischer, Nicolas Fray, M. Godard, M. Hilchenbach, Y. Langevin, J. Paquette, J. Rynö, R. Schulz, J. Silén, O. Stenzel, L. Thirkell and the COSIMA team, Variations in cometary dust composition from Giotto to Rosetta, clues to their formation mechanisms, Month. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 462, S323-S330,, 2016

Fernando Capalbo, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Martin Schwell, N. Champion, E.T. Es-sebbar, T. T. Koskinend, Ivan Lehocki, R.V. Yelle, New benzene absorption cross sections in the VUV, relevance for Titan’s upper atmosphere, Icarus, 265, 95-109, 2016 PDF

Krüger H., T. Stephan, C. Engrand, C. Briois, S. Siljeström, S. Merouane, D. Baklouti, H. Fischer, Nicolas Fray, K. Hornung, H. Lehto, F.R.Orthous-Daunay, J. Rynö, R. Schulz, J. Silen, L. Thirkell, M. Trieloff and M. Hilchenbach, COSIMA-Rosetta calibration for in-situ characterization of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko cometary inorganic compounds, Planet. Space Sci., 117, 35-44, 2015

Vassilissa Vinogradoff, Duvernay, F., Nicolas Fray, Michaelle Bouilloud, Chiavassa, T., Herve Cottin, Carbon dioxide influences on the thermal formation of complex organic molecules in interstellar ice analogues, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 208, L18 (16pp), 2015

Bellili A., Martin Schwell, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, M. Mogren Al-Mogren, J.-C. Guillemin, L. Poisson and M. Hochlaf, VUV photoionization and dissociative photoionization spectroscopy of the interstellar molecule aminoacetonitrile: theory and experiment, J. Mol. Spectros., 315, 196-205, 2015

Kafila Saiagh, Herve Cottin, A. Aleian, Nicolas Fray, VUV and Mid-UV photoabsorption cross sections of thin films of guanine and uracil: application on their photochemistry in the solar system, Astrobiology, 15, 268-282, 2015

Schulz R., M. Hilchenbach, Y. Langevin, J. Kissel, J. Silen, C. Briois, C. Engrand, K. Hornung, D. Baklouti, Anais Bardyn, Herve Cottin, H. Fischer, Nicolas Fray, M. Godard, H. Lehto, L. Le Roy, S. Merouane, F.-R. Orthous-Daunay, J. Paquette, J. Rynö, S. Siljeström, O. Stenzel, L. Thirkell, K. Varmuza and B. Zaprudin, Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko sheds dust coat accumulated over the past four years, Nature, 518, 216-218, 2015

Herve Cottin, Kafila Saiagh, Guan, Y.Y., Cloix, M., Diana Khalaf, Macari, F., Murielle Jerome, Jean-Michel Polienor, Yves Benilan, Patrice Coll, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Francois Raulin, Fabien Stalport, Carrasco, N., Szopa, C., Bertrand, M., Chabin, A., Westall, F., Vergne, J., Da Silva, L.A., Maurel, M.-C., Chaput, D., Demets, R., Brack, A., The AMINO Experiment: a laboratory for Astrochemistry and Astrobiology on the EXPOSE-R facility of the International Space Station, International Journal of Astrobiology 14, 67-77, 2015 PDF

Herve Cottin, Kafila Saiagh, Nguyen, D., Noel Grand, Yves Benilan, Cloix, M., Patrice Coll, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Nicolas Fray, Diana Khalaf, Francois Raulin, Fabien Stalport, Carrasco, N.,Szopa,C.,Chaput, D.,Bertrand, M.,Westall, F.,Mattioda, A.,Quinn, R.,Ricco, A.,Santos, O.,Baratta, G., Strazzulla, G.,Palumbo, M.E.,Postollec, A.L.,Dobrijevic, M.,Coussot, G.,Vigier, F.,Vandenabeele-Trambouze, O.,Incerti, S.,Berger, T., Photochemical studies in low Earth orbit for organic compounds related to small bodies, Titan and Mars. Current and future facilities, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 84, 60-73, 2015 PDF

Le Roy L., Anais Bardyn, C. Briois, Herve Cottin, Nicolas Fray, L. Thirkell and M. Hilchenbach, COSIMA calibration for the detection and characterisation of the cometary solid organic matter, Planet. Space Sci., 105, 1-25, 2015

Bonnet J.Y., E. Quirico, A. Buch, R. Thissen, C. Szopa, N. Carrasco, G. Cernogora, Nicolas Fray, Herve Cottin, L. Le Roy, G. Montagnac, E. Dartois, R. Brunetto, C. Engrand and J. Duprat, Formation of analogs of cometary nitrogen-rich refractory organics from thermal degradation of tholin and HCN polymer, Icarus, 250, 53-63, 2015

Bellili A., Martin Schwell, Yves Benilan, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, M. Mogren Al-Mogren, J.-C. Guillemin, L. Poisson and M. Hochlaf, VUV photoionization and dissociative photoionization of the prebiotic molecule acetyl cyanide: theory and experiment, J. Chem. Phys., 141, 134311,, 2014

Kafila Saiagh, M. Cloix, Nicolas Fray, Herve Cottin, VUV and Mid-UV photoabsorption cross sections of thin films of adenine: application on its photochemistry in the Solar System, Planet. Space Sci., 90, 90-99, 2014

Bonnet J.Y., Thissen R., Frisari M., Vuitton V., Quirico E., Orthous‐Daunay F.R., Dutuit O., Le Roy L., Nicolas Fray, Herve Cottin, Hörst S.M. and Yelle, R.V. , Compositional and structural investigation of HCN polymer through high resolution mass spectrometry, Int. J. Mass Spect., 354-355, 193-203, 2013

Venot O., Nicolas Fray, Yves Benilan, Marie-Claire Gazeau, E. Hébrard, Gwenaelle Larcher, Martin Schwell, M. Dobrijevic and F. Selsis, High-temperature measurements of VUV-absorption cross sections of CO2 and their application to exoplanets, Astron. Astrophys., 551, 10.1051/0004-6361/201220945, 2013

Vassilissa Vinogradoff, Nicolas Fray, Duvernay, F., Briani, G., Danger, G., Herve Cottin, Theulé, P., Chiavassa, T., Importance of thermal reactivity for hexamethylenetetramine formation from simulated interstellar ices, Atomic, molecular, and nuclear data, 551, id.A128, 1, 10.1051/0004-6361/201220870, 2013

Marboeuf, U., Nicolas Fray, Brissaud, O., Schmitt, B., Bockelee-Morvan, D. and Gautier, D., Equilibrium pressure of ethane, acetylene, and krypton clathrate hydrates below the freezing point of water, J. Chem. Engineering Data, 57, 3408-3415, 2012

Marboeuf U., Schmitt B., Petit J.?M., Mousis O., Nicolas Fray, A cometary nucleus model taking into account all phase changes of water ice: amorphous, crystalline, and clathrates, Astron. Astrophys, 542, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201118176, 2012

Le Roy L., G. Briani, C. Briois, Herve Cottin, Nicolas Fray, L. Thirkell, G. Poulet and M. Hilchenbach, On the prospective detection of polyoxymethylene in comet 67P/Churyumov?Gerasimenko with the COSIMA instrument onboard Rosetta, Planet.Space Sci., 61, 83-92, 2012

Nicolas Fray, Marbeuf U., Brissaud O., Schmitt B., Equilibrium data of methane, carbon dioxide and Xenon clathrate hydrates below the freezing point of water. Applications to astrophysical environments, Journal of Chemical and Engineerinf Data, 2010

Vuitton V., Bonnet J.-Y., Frisari M., Thissen R., Quirico E., Dutuit O., Schmitt B., Le Roy L., Nicolas Fray, Herve Cottin, Sciamma-O?Brien E. Carrasco N., Szopa C., Very high resolution mass spectrometry of HCN polymers and tholins, Faraday Discussion, 2010

Nicolas Fray, and Schmitt, B., Sublimation of ices of astrophysical interest: a bibliographic review, Planet. Space Sci., 57, 2053-2080, 2009

Herve Cottin, Patrice Coll, D. Coscia, Nicolas Fray, Y.Y. Guan, F. Macari, Francois Raulin, C. Rivron, Fabien Stalport, C. Szopa, D. Chaput, M. Viso, M. Bertrand, A. Chabin, L. Thirkell, F. Westall and A. Brack, Heterogeneous solid/gas chemistry of organic compounds related to comets, meteorites, Titan, and Mars: Laboratory and in lower Earth orbit experiments, Adv. Space Res, 42, 2019-2035, 2008

Quirico E., G. Montagnac, V. Lees, P. F.Mcmillan, C. Szopa, G. Cernogora, J-N Rouzaud, P. Simon, J-M. Bernard, Patrice Coll, Nicolas Fray, R. D. Minard, Francois Raulin, B. Reynard and B. Schmitt, New experimental constraints on the composition and structure of tholins, Icarus, 198, 218-231, 2008

Lasue J., A.C. Levasseur-Regourd, Nicolas Fray, Herve Cottin, Inferring the interplanetary dust properties from remote observations and simulations, Astronomy Astrophysics, 473, 641-649, 2007

Nicolas Fray, Yves Benilan, N. Biver, D. Bockelée-Morvan, Herve Cottin, J. Crovisier, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Heliocentric evolution of the degradation of polyoxylmethylene. Application to the origin of the formaldehyde (H2CO) extended source in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), Icarus, 184, 239-254, 2006

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