Christel BOUET
Christel Bouet
10 years ago
P1 304
Cycle de l'aérosol désertique

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Bouet Christel

Publications of Christel BOUET at LISA

M. T. Labiadh, Jean-Louis Rajot, S. Sekrafi, M. Ltifi, B. Attoui, A. Tlili, M. Hlel, Gilles Bergametti, T. Henry des Tureaux, Christel Bouet, Impact of land cover on wind erosion in arid regions: a case study in southern Tunisia, Land, 12, 1648,, 2023

Pierre C., Jean-Louis Rajot, I. Faye, G. S. Dorego, Christel Bouet, Beatrice Marticorena, Gilles Bergametti, A. Ka, B. Amar, A. Tall, N. Diagne, Anais Feron, A contrasting seasonality of wind erosivity and wind erosion between Central and Western Sahel, Aeolian Research, 62, 100879,, 2023

Stephane Alfaro, Christel Bouet, Bouthaina Khalfallah, Y. Shao, M. Ishizuka, M. Labiadh, Beatrice Marticorena, Benoit Laurent, Jean-Louis Rajot, Unravelling the roles of saltation bombardment and atmospheric instability on magnitude and size distribution of dust emission fluxes: Lessons from the JADE and WIND-O-V experiments, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD035,, 2022

Pierre, C., P. Hiernaux, Jean-Louis Rajot, L. Kergoat, N. Webb, A. Abdourhamane Touré, Beatrice Marticorena, Christel Bouet, Wind erosion response to past and future agro-pastoral trajectories in the Sahel (Niger), Landscape Ecology,, 2021

Dupont S., Jean-Louis Rajot, E. Lamaud, Gilles Bergametti, M. Labiadh, Bouthaina Khalfallah, Christel Bouet, Beatrice Marticorena, R. Fernandes, Comparison between Eddy-Covariance and Flux-Gradient size-resolved dust fluxes during wind erosion events, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD034,, 2021

Jouquet, P., T. Henry-des-Tureaux, Christel Bouet, M. Labiadh, S. Caquineau, H. Aroui Boukbida, F. Garcia Ibarra, V. Hervé, A. Bultelle, and P. Podwojewski, Bioturbation and soil resistance to wind erosion in Southern Tunisia, Geoderma, 403, 115198,, 2021

Labiadh M. T., Gilles Bergametti, Jean-Louis Rajot, Christel Bouet, M. Ltifi, S. Sekrafi and T. Henry des Tureaux, Differences in the efficiency of the vertical transfer of windblown sediment over different ploughed surfaces during wind erosion events, Land, 10, 511,, 2021

Christel Bouet, Mohamed Taied Labiadh, Jean-Louis Rajot, Gilles Bergametti, Beatrice Marticorena, Thierry Henry des Tureaux, Mohsen Ltifi, Saâd Sekrafi, Anais Feron, Impact of Desert Dust on Air Quality: What is the Meaningfulness of Daily PM Standards in Regions Close to the Sources? The Example of Southern Tunisia, Atmosphere, 10(8), 452,, 2019

Abdourhamane Touré, A., A. D. Tidjani, Jean-Louis Rajot, Beatrice Marticorena, Gilles Bergametti, Christel Bouet, K. J.-M. Ambouta, Dynamics of wind erosion and impact of vegetation cover and land-use in the Sahel: a case study on sandy dunes in south-east Niger, Catena, 177, 272-285,, 2019

Benoit Laurent, B. Heinold, I. Tegen, Christel Bouet, and G. Cautenet, Surface wind accuracy for modeling mineral dust emissions: Comparing two regional models in a Bodele case study, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L09804, doi:10.1029/2008GL033654, 2008

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