End-of-year picnic for the SpecAt team

Published on Monday, 15 July 2024 09:38

The SpecAt team got together at the end of the school year to share a convivial moment in the sunshine.

A great year, with Wilfried's thesis defense, 15 articles published, Pasquale's ANR DICIT, Isabelle's Gentner-Kastler 2024 prize and Helgi's CR CNRS post!


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In the run-up to the Olympic Games, a number of events were organized. The first SpecAt Games was organized by Helgi and five teams (the Jedis, 2 microns, the Asians, XDM (Xavier-Diego-Martin) and the loosers) competed for prizes and the LISA SpecAt trophy. The Games tested the teams' various scientific skills such as accuracy and precision, and ended with a quiz on scientific questions and athletics. Team "The Asians" brilliantly won the trophy!



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From left to right : Stéphanie Chen (stagiaire L3 UPEC), Fazzal Quayyum (PhD UPEC), Lam Nguyen (MCF UPEC, responsable du groupe), Truong Anh Nguyen (PhD UPC).


After the summer break, there are some exciting projects to look forward to: the continuation of the ERC LACRIDO project, which involves coupling a laser with a microwave spectrometer. The innovative IR/THz experimental set-up at the heart of the ANR QUASARS project will be perfected. The new ANR DICIT is a cross-thematic project with multi-spectral products for the measurement of SO2 and sulfate aerosols, and the study of coherence between UV and IR SO2 spectroscopic data. New theoretical models and codes will be developed to analyze data produced by laboratory instruments, of interest to terrestrial and planetary atmospheres and astrophysics. There will also be developments in multi-spectral coupling for the analysis of remotely-detected spectra. Finally, the OASIS surface observatory will be upgraded to a fully automated configuration.