Communications orales, proceedings & posters

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Cottin, H, Stalport, F., Grand, N., Pastore, J., Gonthier, R., Carrasco, N., Feron, A., Feingesicht, M., Gaimoz, C., Gomes, S., Gourichon, M., Harge, K., Huet, F., Landsheere, X., Louison, I., Mombazet, N., Mignon, F., Triquet, S., Viallon, L., Zapf, P., Larclause, I.S.D., Chaput, D. and Mustin, C. (2024) IR-COASTER: an astrobiology and astrochemistry experiment for the International Space Station. Ready for launch in 2024, COSPAR, Busan, South Korea.

Pastore, J., H. Cottin, Saïagh, K., Bellila, J., Essani, M., Stalport, F. and Carrasco, N. (2024) Photochemistry of amino acids in extraterrestrial environments and applications Low Earth Orbits experiments: VUV and mid-UV photoabsorption cross section of thin films of alanine and glycine, COSPAR, Busan, South Korea.

Cottin, H, Sansberro, I., Fray, N., Hilchenbach, M., Paquette, J., Stenzel, O., Engrand, C., Baklouti, D., Briois, C. and Bardyn, A. (2023) The composition of the dust particles of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko suggests a pre-accretionary irradiated surface composition of their minerals and organics. , Origins 2023 - the ISSOL & and IAU Astrobiology commission joined conference, Quito, Ecuador.

Engrand, C., Charon, E., Le Guillou, C., Leroux, H., Duprat, J., Dartois, E., Rojas, J., Bernard, S., Delauche, L., Sansberro, I., Fray, N., H. Cottin, Baklouti, D., Briois, C., Bardyn, A., Paquette, J., Silen, J., Stenzel, O.J. and Hilchenbach, M. (2023) Evidence of Pre-Accretion Irradiation of Cometary Minerals in the Inner Solar System, 86th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Los Angeles, USA

Cottin, H. (2022) The Astrobiological Heritage of the Rosetta Space Mission: New Ingredients for a Prebiotic Soup, COSPAR, Athens, Greece. (invited)

Cottin, H., Stalport, F., Grand, N., Feron, A., Gaimoz, C., Gourichon, M., Harge, K., Landsheere, X., Louison, I., Mignon, F., Triquet, S., Viallon, L., Zapf, P., Larclause, I.S.D., Chaput, D. and Mustin, C. (2022) The IR-COASTER project for astrobiology experiments outside the International Space Station or as a payload for 6U CubeSats, COSPAR, Athens, Greece.

Cottin, H (2021) Organic matter in comet 67P: low and high molecular weight molecules American Chemical Society - ACS Spring 2021, Virtual meeting (invited)

Chaouche, N., Raulin, F., Coll, P., Stalport, F., Szopa, C., Cottin, H. and Lasne, J. (2021) Study of the Evolution of Nucleobases Under Mars-Like Conditions: Impact of Uv-Irradiation and Perchlorates on Uracil and Cytosine, COSPAR, Virtual Conférence.

Chaouche, N., Stalport, F., Cottin, H., Audoux, T., Rouquette, L., Lasne, J., Szopa, C. and Coll, P. (2019) Studying the Evolution of Nucleobases in Mars-Like Conditions: Impacts of Perchlorates on Uracil and Cytosine Under Ultra-Violet Irradiation. LPI Contributions 2089.

Cottin, H, Altwegg, K., Baklouti, D., Bardyn, A., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Biver, N., Briois, C., Engrand, C., Hilchenbach, M., Fray, N., Hadraoui, K., Roy, L.L., Isnard, R., Rubin, M. and Thirkell, L. (2019) Organic matter in comets: inventory and new perspectives after the Rosetta mission AbSciCon, Bellevue (Washington), USA.

Cottin, H, Hadraoui, K., Ivanovski, S.L., Zapf, P., Altwegg, K., Benilan, Y., Biver, N., Della Corte, V., Fray, N., Merouane, S., Rotundi, A. and Zakharov, V. (2019) Glycine in comet 67P, First General Assembly of the European Astrobiology Institute (EAI) Liblice, Czech Republic

Cottin, H , Rouquette, L., Stalport, F., Grira, K., Saiagh, K., Fray, N., Chaput, D., Georgelin, T., Dass, A.V., Westall, F., Colas, C., Accolla, M., Baratta, G., Strazzulla, G., Palumbo, M.E. and team, a.t.P. (2018) Photochemistry of organic molecules related to small bodies of the Solar System. Experimental studies outside the International Space Station. The cases of AMINO ACIDs, nucleobases and COMETARY ORGANIC MATERIAL ANALOGS, Human Spaceflight and Weightlessness Science: An International Workshop on Science and Technology for space exploration, Toulouse, France.

Cottin, H. (2018) Astrobiology - Origin of life… on Earth and Beyond ?, Human Spaceflight and Weightlessness Science: An International Workshop on Science and Technology for space exploration, Toulouse. (Invited)

Chaouche, N., Stalport, F., Cottin, H., Audoux, T., Rouquette, L., Lasne, J., Szopa, C. and Coll, P. (2019) Studying the Evolution of Nucleobases in Mars-Like Conditions: Impacts of Perchlorates on Uracil and Cytosine Under Ultra-Violet Irradiation. LPI Contributions 2089.

Bardyn, A., Baklouti, D., Cottin, H., Briois, C., Engrand, C., Fischer, H., Fray, N., Gardner, E., Hornung, K., Isnard, R., Langevin, Y., Lehto, H., Le Roy, L., Ligier, N., Merouane, S., Modica, P., Orthous-Daunay, F.R., Paquette, J.A., Rynö, J., Schulz, R., Silen, J.V., Siljeström, S., Stenzel, O., Thirkell, L., Varmuza, K., Zaprudin, B., Kissel, J. and Hilchenbach, M. (2018) Global Composition of Dust at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Measured by the COSIMA/Rosetta Mass Spectrometer, AGU Fall Meeting.

Guzman, M., Raulin, F., Buch, A., Cyril Szopa, m., Stalport, F., Goesmann, F., Freissinet, C., Cottin, H. and Grand, N. (2018) Characterization of the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) chromatographic columns for organic matter inventory and enantiomeric resolution of amino acids on Mars with the ExoMars 2020 mission, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly.

Hadraoui, K., Rotundi, A., Benilan, Y., Fray, N., Altwegg, K., Della Corte, V., Cottin, H., Biver, N. and Ivanovski, S. (2018) Glycine in 67P/ Churyumov Gerasimenko: assessments about its abundance and origin, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly.

Isnard, R., Bardyn, A., Fray, N., Briois, C., Cottin, H., Paquette, J., Stenzel, O., Alexander, C., Baklouti, D., Engrand, C., Orthous-Daunay, F.-R., Siljeström, S., Varmuza, K. and Hilchenbach, M. (2018) H/C elemental ratios of the refractory organic matter in cometary particles of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, European Planetary Science Congress.

Levasseur-Regourd, A.C., Agarwal, J., Cottin, H., Engrand, C., Flynn, G., Fulle, M., Gombosi, T., Langevin, Y., Lasue, J., Mannel, T., Merouane, S., Thomas, N., Poch, O. and Westphal, A. (2018) Cometary dust, present understanding and open questions after the Rosetta mission, European Planetary Science Congress.

Levasseur-Regourd, A.C., Bentley, M., Cottin, H., Engrand, C., Freissinet, C., Hadamcik, E., Langevin, Y., Lasue, J., Mannel, T. and Merouane, S. (2018) The Post-Rosetta Understanding of the Fate of Cometary Dust, AGU Fall Meeting.

Paquette, J.A., Engrand, C., Fray, N., Bardyn, A., Alexander, C., Hilchenbach, M., Siljeström, S., Cottin, H., Baklouti, D., Stenzel, O., Merouane, S. and Langevin, Y. (2018) The D/H ratio in the dust of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko measured by Rosetta/COSIMA, AGU Fall Meeting.

Szopa, C., Carrasco, N., Coll, P.J., Raulin, F., Cottin, H., Chaput, D., Grira, K. and Khalaf, D. (2018) Chemical Aging of Titan's Tholins Exposed to Solar Radiation in Low Earth Orbit onboard the EXPOSE Facility, AGU Fall Meeting.

Kebukawa, Y., Ito, M., Aoki, J., Okada, T., Kawai, Y., Matsumoto, J., Nakamura, R., Yano, H., Terada, K., Toyoda, M., Yabuta, H., Grand, N., Cottin, H., Buch, A., Briois, C., Thirkell, L., Mori, O. and Kawaguchi, J. In-Situ Analysis of Surface and Subsurface Samples from a Jupiter Trojan Asteroid Using a High Resolution Mass Spectrometer in the Solar Power Sail Mission, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA.. 2017

Cottin, H, Altwegg, K., Baklouti, D., Bardyn, A., Briois, C., Engrand, C., Fray, N., Isnard, R., Roy, L.L., Modica, P., Raulin, F., Schulz, R., Siljeström, S. and Thirkell, L. Comets organic content and astrobiology, (re)assessment for comet 67P after the Rosetta mission, XVIIIth International Conference on the Origin of Life (ISSOL), University of California San Diego (UCSD) in La Jolla, California, USA. 2017

Varmuza, K., Brandstätter, F., Cottin, H., Engrand, C., Ferrière, L., Filzmoser, P., Fray, N., Hilchenbach, M., Hoffmann, I. and Kissel, J. (2017) Elemental surface composition of comet 67P grains (Rosetta) and of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites-characterized by multivariate mass spectral data (COSIMA), EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, p. 2645. 2017

Rouquette, L., Stalport, F., Cottin, H., Coll, P., Szopa, C., Saiagh, K., Poch, O., Khalaf, D., Chaput, D. and Grira, K. Evolution of organic molecules under Mars-like UV radiation conditions in space and laboratory, European Planetary Science Congress 2017, pp. EPSC2017-2279. 2017

Cottin, H Comets organic content and astrobiology, (re)assessment for comet 67P after the Rosetta mission, Search for life : from early Earth to exoplanets, Invited, Quy Nhon, Vietnam. 2016

Arevalo, R., Danell, R.M., Gundersen, C., Hovmand, L., Southard, A., Tan, F., Grubisic, A., Brinckerhoff, W.B., Getty, S.A., Mahaffy, P., Cottin, H., Briois, C., Colin, F., Szopa, C., Vuitton, V., Makarov, A. and Reinhardt-Szyba, M. Advanced Resolution Organic Molecule Analyzer (AROMA): Simulations, Development and Initial Testing of a Linear Ion Trap-Orbitrap Instrument for Space. LPI Contributions 1980. 2016

Rouquette, L., Stalport, F., Cottin, H., Coll, P., Szopa, C., Saiagh, K., Poch, O., Khalaf, D., Chaput, D., Grira, K., Chaouche, N. and Dequaire, T. Evolution of organic molecules under Mars-like UV radiation with EXPOSE-R2, a photochemistry experiment outside the International Space Station, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts. 2016

Cottin, H. The composition of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko revealed by the mass spectrometers of the Rosetta mission., 21st International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC 2016), Invited Plenary, Toronto, Canada, 2016.

Cottin, H., Fray, N., Bardyn, A., Briois, C., Thirkell, L., Baklouti, D., Engrand, C., Fischer, H., Roy, L.L., Merouane, S., Modica, P., Paquette, J., Rynö, J., Schulz, R., Silen, J., Siljeström, S., Stenzel, O., Hilchenbach, M., Kissel, J. and COSIMA team, The solid phase organic matter in the dust particles of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko analysed by TOF-SIMS with the COSIMA instrument. What we searched for and what we found., Cometary Science After Rosetta: Future Directions, London, 2016.

Cottin, H., Fray, N., Hadraoui, K., Altwegg, K., Bardyn, A., Biver, N., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Briois, C., Crovisier, J., Roy, L.L., Hilchenbach, M., Hornung, K., Langevin, Y., Merouane, S., Modica, P. and Thirkell, L. Distributed sources in comets: from Giotto to Rosetta, From Giotto to Rosetta : 50th Annual Symposium of ESLAB, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2016

Cottin, H., Hilchenbach, M., Fray, N., Bardyn, A., Briois, C., Baklouti, D., Engrand, C., Langevin, Y., Ligier, N., Le Roy, L., Merouane, S., Orthous Daunay, F.-R., Thirkell, L., Kissel, J., Koch, A., Schulz, R., Ryno, J. and Silen, J. (2015) COSIMA - Dust Particles in the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko prior to perihelion passage. European Planetary Science Congress, Nantes, France, 2015.

Cottin, H., Hadraoui, K., Bardyn, A., Le Roy, L., Fray, N., Briois, C., Thirkell, L., Merouane, S., Hornung, K., Langevin, Y. and Hilchenbach, M. Scenarios for distributed sources of formaldehyde in the atmosphere of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. European Planetary Science Congress, Nantes, France, 2015.

Baratta, G.A., Chaput, D., Cottin, H., Cascales, L.F., Palumbo, M.E., Strazzulla, G. Ion bombardment of cometary ices analogues: production of organic samples for the EXPOSE-R2 mission on the International Space Station, European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC), Centro de Congressos do Estoril, Cascais, Portugal, 2014.

Cottin, H., Le Roy, L., Briani, G., Bardyn, A., Briois, C., Fray, N., Thirkell, L., Engrand, C., Hilchenbach, M. Measurements of the organic composition of cometary grains with the COSIMA TOF-SIMS instrument onboard the ROSETTA spacecraft, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013.

Cottin, H., Roy, L.L., Briani, G., Bardyn, A., Briois, C., Fray, N., Thirkell, L., Engrand, C., Hilchenbach, M. Measurements of the organic composition of cometary grains with the COSIMA TOF-SIMS instrument onboard the ROSETTA spacecraft, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2013.

Saiagh, K., Fray, N., Chaput, D., Cottin, H., The photostablilty of organic matter on cometary grains: studies in ground laboratory and in Low Earth Orbit, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013.

Briois, C., Thissen, R., Engrand, C., Altwegg, K., Bouabdellah, A., Boukrara, A., Carrasco, N., Chapuis, C., Cottin, H., Grün, E., Grand, N., Henkel, H., Kempf, S., Lebreton, J.P., Makarov, A., Postberg, F., Srama, R., Schmidt, J., Szopa, C., Thirkell, L., Tobie, G., Wurz, P., Zolotov, M.E., Dust OrbiTrap Sensor (DOTS) for In-Situ Analysis of Airless Planetary Bodies, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 2013.

Quinn, R., Elsaesser, A., Ehrenfreund, P., Ricco, A., Breitenbach, A., Chan, J., Fresneau, A., Alonzo, J., Mattioda, A., Salama, F., Santos, O., Sciamma-O'Brien, E., Cottin, H., Dartois, E., d'Hendecourt, L., Demets, R., Foing, B., Martins, Z., Sephton, M., Spaans, M., OREOcube: ORganics Exposure in Orbit, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 2013.

Alonzo, J., Fresneau, A., Elsaesser, A., Chan, J., Breitenbach, A., Ehrenfreund, P., Ricco, A., Salama, F., Mattioda, A., Santos, O., Cottin, H., Dartois, E., d'Hendecourt, L., Demets, R., Foing, B., Martins, Z., Sephton, M., Spaans, M., Quinn, R.. Preliminary studies for the ORganics Exposure in Orbit (OREOcube) Experiment on the International Space Station, American Astronomical Society Meeting Long Beach, CA, USA, 2013.

Cottin, H., Saiagh, K., Coll, P., Fray, N., Raulin, F., Stalport, F., Ehrenfreund, P., Elsaesser, A., Szopa, C., Chaput, D., Bertrand, M., Westall, F., A.Mattioda, R.Quinn, Ricco, A., Santos, O., G.Baratta, Strazzulla, G., Postollec, A., Dobrijevic, M., Coussot, G., Vigier, F., Vandenabeele-Trambouze, O., Incerti, S., Berger, T. PSS: Photochemistry on the Space Station. A low Earth orbit laboratory for astrochemistry and astrobiology outside the International Space Station, Europlanet Science Conference (EPSC), London, 2013.

Cottin, H., Le Roy, L., Briani, G., Bardyn, A., Briois, C., Fray, N., Thirkell, L., Engrand, C., Hilchenbach, M. The organic content of comets: how to get prepared for the COSIMA TOF-SIMS measurements onboard the ROSETTA spacecraft, Europlanet Science Conference (EPSC), London, 2013.

Hilchenbach, M., Krüger, H., Briois, C., Cottin, H., Silen, J., Varmuza, K.. Cometary organic matter in view of future Rosetta/COSIMA analysis, EGU, Vienna, 2012.

Cottin, H., Guan, Y.Y., Saiagh, K., Stalport, F., Arzoumanian, E., Es-Sebbar, E.T., Macari, F., Jérome, M., Cloix, M., Bénilan, Y., Coll, P., Fray, N., Gazeau, M.C., Jolly, A., Raulin, F., Szopa, C., Chaput, D., Bertrand, M., Chabin, A., Westall, F., Brack, A.. UVolution, PROCESS and AMINO: compared photochemistry in low Earth orbit and in the laboratory of prebiotic organic compounds related to small bodies, Titan and Mars, Origins, ISSOL and Bioastronomy (IAU C51) Joint International Conference, Montpellier, 2011.

Bertrand, M., Chabin, A., Brack, A., Cottin, H., Chaput, D., Viso, M., Westall, F., 2011. Effects of VUV photochemistry on prebiotic organic molecules in low Earth orbit and in laboratories, Origins, ISSOL and Bioastronomy (IAU C51) Joint International Conference, Montpellier. (poster)

Fray, N., Roy, L.L., Briani, G., Bénilan, Y., Briois, C., Cottin, H., Gazeau, M.-C., Poulet, G., Thirkell, L., Hilenchenbach, M., 2011. Thermal evolution of organic residue and TOF-SIMS analysis in the framework of the COSIMA experiment, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, Nantes, France.

Gazeau, M.-C., Benilan, Y., Es-Sebbar, E.-T., Jolly, A., Arzoumanian, E., Fray, N., Cottin, H.. Characterization of continuous vacuum ultraviolet lamps - Implication on the study of methane photolysis at Lyman alpha (121.6 nm), EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna.

Hadamcik, E., Renard, J.-B., Lasue, J., Levasseur-Regourd, A.C., Buch, A., Carrasco, N., Cottin, H., Fray, N., Szopa, C., 2011. Evolution of optical properties of organic materials when approaching the Sun: laboratory simulations, AOGS, Tapei, Taiwan.

Bonnet, J.-Y., Thissen, R., Frisari, M., Vuitton, V., Quirico, E., Roy, L.L., Fray, N., Cottin, H., 2010. HCN polymers: composition and structure revisited by ultra high resolution mass spectrometry, Lunar and planetary science conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA.

Le Roy, L., Briois, C., Thirkell, L., Cottin, H., Fray, N., Poulet, G., Hilchenbach, M., TOF-SIMS analysis of N-heterocyclic compounds-implications for the Rosetta/COSIMA Mission, COSPAR, Bremen, Germany, 2010.

Cottin, H., Arezki, B., Berthelier, J. J., Bouabdellah, A., Boukrara, A., Briois, C., Carrasco, N., Gilbert, P., Engrand, C., Grand, N., Hilchenbach, M., Kruger, H., Makarov, A., Pennanech, C., Puget, P., Quirico, E., Szopa, C., Thirkell, L., Zapf, P., and Thissen, R. ILMA: Ion Laser Mass Analyser. A Mass-Spectrometer for In-Situ Characterization of a Near Earth Object (NEO) COSPAR 2010, Bremen, Germany, 2010.

Cottin, H., Coll, P., Ehrenfreund, P., Baratta, G. A., Benilan, Y., Bertrand, M., Borget, F., Buch, A., Chiavassa, T., Couturier, I., Dartois, E., d'Hendecourt, L., Duvernay, F., Fray, N., Gazeau, M. C., Leach, S., Mattioda, A., Pietri, N., Quinn, R., Raulin, F., Ricco, A. J., Santos, O., Strazzulla, G., Szopa, C., Theule, P., Westall, F., Villenave, M., F.Lefevre, Belasic, M., Chazalnoel, P., and Viso, M.. VITRINE: a next generation low Earth orbit exposure facility for astrochemistry and exobiology COSPAR 2010, Bremen, Germany, 2010.

Cottin, H., Guan, Y. Y., Macari, F., Jerome, M., Philippon, C., Cloix, M., Coll, P., Fray, N., Szopa, C., and Raulin, F. UVolution and PROCESS: compared photochemistry in low Earth orbit and in the laboratory of prebiotic organic compounds related to small bodies COSPAR 2010, Bremen, Germany, 2010. (Invited)

Cottin, H., Le Roy, L., Zeghbib, N., Fray, N., Jolly, A., Benilan, Y., Gazeau, M.-C., and Minard, R. D., 2010. HCN polymers as a parent molecule for CN distributed sources in comets: an experimental study of HCN polymers thermal degradation COSPAR 2010, Bremen, Germany.

Cottin, H., Briois, C., Engrand, C., Grand, N., Thirkell, L., Thissen, R., Puget, P., Berthelier, J.J., Carasco, N., Szopa, C., Kallenbach, R., Krüger, H., Hilchenbach, M. & Makarov, A. , 5ème Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation (Le Mans, France: Hermes Science), vol. 1, pp. 146, 2010.

Cottin, H., Guan, Y. Y., Stalport, F., Macari, F., Jérome, M., Philippon, C., Coll, P., Fray, N., Szopa, C., and Raulin, F.. UV-olution: investigation of photochemistry of organic compounds in low Earth orbit. A review of the main results.9th European Workshop on Astrobiology EANA'09, Brussel, Belgium, 2009.

Le Roy, L., Briois, C., Thirkell, L., Cottin, H., Fray, N., Poulet, G., and Hilchenbach, M.. Organic Compounds Analysis by TOF-SIMS in the Frame of ROSETTA/COSIMA Space Mission, 9th European Workshop on Astrobiology EANA'09, Brussel, Belgium, 2009.

Raulin, F., Coll, P., Ramírez, S. I., Bénilan, Y., Cottin, H., Gazeau, M.-C., and Jolly, A.. Astrobiology in the Saturn system: news from Cassini-Huygens, 9th European Workshop on Astrobiology EANA’09 Brussels, Belgium, 2009.

Cottin, H., Guan, Y. Y., Coll, P., Coscia, D., Fray, N., Macari, F., F.Stalport, Raulin, F., Szopa, C., Chaput, D., Viso, M., Vergne, J., Maurel, M. C., Bertrand, M., Chabin, A., Westall, F., and Brack, A.. Astrochemistry on the EXPOSE/ISS and BIOPAN/Foton experiments, XXVIIth IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, 2009. (Invited)

Le Roy, L., Briois, C., Thirkell, L., Cottin, H., Fray, N., and Poulet, G.. TOF-SIMS analysis of organic cometary analogues in the framework of the COSIMA experiment onboard ROSETTA 72nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Nancy, 2009. (Poster)

Bonnet, J.-Y., Quirico, E., Gros, S., Brissaud, O., Fray, N., Cottin, H., Roy, L. L., and Montagnac, G. Thermal degradation experiments of cometary N-rich organics analogs, 72nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Nancy, 2009. (Poster)

Cottin H., Coll P., Coscia D., Fray N., Macari F., F.Stalport, Raulin F., Szopa C., Chaput D., and Viso M. UV-olution: a space experiment for the study of the photochemistry of organic molecules related to astrophysical environment. 8th European Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology (EANA), Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2008.

Briois C., Cottin H., Engrand C., Thirkell L., Glasmachers A., Aliman M., Grand N., Tajmar M., and the ILMA TEAM, ILMA, Ion Laser Mass Analyser - In-Situ Characterization of a Near Earth Object (NEO) in the framework of the MARCO POLO mission. 8th European Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology (EANA), Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2008. (Poster)

Guan Y. Y., Cottin H., Coll P., Coscia D., Fray N., Macari F., F.Stalport, Raulin F., Szopa C., Chaput D., and Viso M. Photochemistry of organic molecules related to astrophysical environment UV-olution experiment. ISSOL Meeting, Florence, Italy, 2008.

Cottin H., Guan Y. Y., Coll P., Coscia D., Fray N., Macari F., F.Stalport, Raulin F., Szopa C., Chaput D., Viso M., Bertrand M., Chabin A., Thirkell L., Maurel M. C., Vergne J., Westall F., and Brack A. (2008) Photochemistry of organic molecules in the Solar System : experiments in terrestrial orbit and laboratory simulations. 37th assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Montreal, Canada, 2008 (Invited)

Cottin H., Guan Y. Y., Coll P., Coscia D., Fray N., Macari F., F.Stalport, Raulin F., Szopa C., Chaput D., Viso M., Bertrand M., Chabin A., Thirkell L., Maurel M. C., Vergne J., Westall F., and Brack A. Photochemistry in the laboratory and in Earth Orbit: new tools to study the Solar System organic chemistry. 37th assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Montreal, Canada, 2008.

Stalport, F., Coll, P., Noblet, A., Szopa, C., Cottin, H., and Raulin, F., 2008. Evolution of organics on the Mars surface: laboratory studies with the MOMIE experiments. 37th assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Montreal, Canada, 2008.

Cottin H., Guan Y. Y., Coll P., Coscia D., Fray N., Macari F., F.Stalport, Raulin F., Szopa C., Chaput D., Viso M., Bertrand M., Chabin A., Thirkell L., Westall F., and Brack A. Photochemistry of organic molecules related to Mars, Titan, Meteorites and Comets: Experiments in Terrestrial orbit and laboratory simulations. Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon), 2008.

Lasue J., A. C. Levasseur-Regourd, N. Fray, and H. Cottin, Interplanetary dust physical properties deduced from scattered and emitted light simulations. Europlanet, Postdam, Germany, 2007.

Engrand C., C. Briois, L. Thirkell, P. Martin, and H. Cottin, A Concordia Antartic micrometeorite used as a cometary proxy for the analyses of COSIMA onboard ROSETTA. 70th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Tucson (Az), USA, 2007. (Poster)

Despois D., J. Crovisier, D. Bockelée-Morvan, N. Biver, and H. Cottin, Organics in comets. Bioastronomy 2007, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2007.

Cottin H., Bénilan Y., Fray N., Gazeau M.-C., Raulin F., Biver N., Bockelée-Morvan D., and Crovisier J., Refractory organic matter of comets as an origin of extended sources: laboratory experiments to understand observations. ISSI workshop on the Origin and Early Evolution of Comet Nuclei, Bern, Switzerland, 2006.

Cottin H., Bénilan Y., Fray N., Gazeau M.-C., Raulin F., Sternberg R., Szopa C., Thirkell L., and Thomas R., Laboratory work on cometary organic matter in support of space missions. 36th assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Beijing, China, 2006. (Invited)

Cottin H., Coll P., Coscia D., Guan Y. Y., Raulin F., Rivron C., Stalport F., Szopa C., Bertrand M., Chabin A., Westall F., and Brack A., Solid/gas heterogeneous chemistry of organic compounds related to comets, Titan and Mars, through experiments in the laboratory and in Earth orbit. 36th assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Beijing, China, 2006. (Invited)

Raulin F., Coll P., Cabane M., Hébrard E., Israel G., Nguyen M. J., Szopa C., Bénilan Y., Cottin H., Gazeau M.-C., Jolly A., Romanzin C., and Sternberg R., The exo-, astro- and cosmo-biology of Titan. 36th assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Beijing, China, 2006.

Gazeau M.-C., Bénilan Y., Cottin H., Fray N., and Jolly A., Programme S.E.T. U.P. (Simulations Expérimentales et Théoriques Utiles à la Planétologie) II- application à l'étude de l'environnement cométaire. Programme National de Planétologie, Nancy, France, 2006.

Coll P., Stalport F., Szopa C., Cabane M., Raulin F., and Cottin H., Martian Organic Material Irradiation and Evolution. 36th assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Beijing, China, 2006

Coll P., Stalport F., Szopa C., Raulin F., Cabane M., and Cottin H., MOMIE : Martian Organic Material Irradiation and Evolution. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria 2006.

Cottin H., Coll P., Coscia D., Szopa C., Raulin F., and Brack A., AMINO, PROCESS and UV-olution: investigation of the solid/gas heterogeneous chemistry of organic compounds in space via FOTON and the Space Station. 5th EUROPEAN WORKSHOP ON ASTROBIOLOGY, Budapest, Hungary, 2005.

Fray, N., Bénilan, Y., Cottin, H., Gazeau, M.-C., Jolly, A., and Minard, R.D., Experimental study of the contribution of refractory compounds to the cometary atmosphere. Application to the HCN polymers as an origin of the CN extended source, in EGU, Vienna, 2005.

Cottin, H., Fray, N., Bénilan, Y., Gazeau, M.-C., and Raulin, F., Refractory organic molecules: the hidden component of comets, in COSIMA Meeting, Glurns, Italy, 2005.

Fray, N., Y. Benilan, N. Biver, D. Bockelee-Morvan, H. Cottin, J. Crovisier, and M.-C. Gazeau, Origin of the formaldehyde (H2CO) extended source in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), in AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting, Louiseville (KT), USA, 2004.

Cottin, H., S. Desrutin, C. Engrand, d'Hendecourt, and M.H. L.Moore, Production of HMT and POM in interstellar and cometary ices, in 35th assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Paris, France, 2004. (Poster)

Fray, N., Y. Bénilan, H. Cottin, M.-C. Gazeau, A. Jolly, and R.D. Minard, Are HCN polymers responsible for the CN extended source in comets ? Results from experimentation and modelling, in 35th assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Paris, France, 2004.

Fray, N., Y. Bénilan, N. Biver, D. Bockelée-Morvan, H. Cottin, J. Crovisier, and M.-C. Gazeau, Origin of the formaldehyde (H2CO) extended source in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), in 35th assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Paris, France, 2004.

Fray, N., Y. Bénilan, H. Cottin, M.-C. Gazeau, A. Jolly, and R.D. Minard, Experimental study of the degradation of HCN polymers. Application to the origin of the CN extended source in cometary atmospheres, in 35th assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Paris, France, 2004.

Cottin, H., Y. Bénilan, N. Fray, M.-C. Gazeau, F. Raulin, and R. Sternberg, Cometary organic chemistry : understanding the history of their ice from their composition, and potential astrobiology interest, in Biannual Conference on Chemistry, Chem 03, pp. 411-425, Cairo, 2004. PDF
Présentation invitée

Bénilan, Y. and H. Cottin (2003). Mars, Titan et les Comètes, Planétologie et projets spatiaux. Exobio'03, Propriano, France, September 2003.

Fray, N., Y. Bénilan, H. Cottin, M.-C. Gazeau, and F. Raulin (2003). Experimental study of the degradation of complex organic molecules. Application to the origin of extended sources in cometary atmospheres. Proceedings of the Seventh Trieste Conference on Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life, Trieste, Italy, September 2003

Fray, N. B., Y.; Cottin, H.; Gazeau, M.-C.; Raulin, F. (2003). Experimental Study of the degradation of polyoxymethylene. Application to the origin of the formaldehyde extended source in comets. 28ème assemblée générale de l'EGS (European Geophysical Society). Nice, France, April 2003.

Fray, N., Y. Bénilan, H. Cottin, M.-C. Gazeau, and F. Raulin (2003). The origin of the CN radical in cometary atmospheres : A review of observations and models. 28ème assemblée générale de l'EGS (European Geophysical Society), (Poster Presentation), Nice, France, April 2003.

Cottin H., Bénilan Y., Fray N., Gazeau M. C., and Raulin F. (2003) From laboratory results to understanding observations of comets: Polyoxymethylene as a parent molecule for the formaldehyde extended source in comet Halley. French-Egyptian workshop on the Earth and environmental sciences, Cairo, Egypt, February 2003 Présentation Invitée

Cottin H., Bénilan Y., Fray N., Gazeau M. C., and Raulin F. (2002) From laboratory results to models: polyoxymethylene as a parent of formaldehyde extended source in comet Halley. 34th assembly of Committe on Space Research (COSPAR), World Space Congress, Houston, TX, USA, October 2002

Cottin H., Lowenthal M. S., Khanna R., Hudson R. L., and Moore M. H. (2002) The stability of the cyanate ion and production of urea in interstellar and cometary ices. 34th assembly of Committe on Space Research (COSPAR), World Space Congress, Houston, TX, USA, October 2002

Fray, N., H. Cottin, M.-C. Gazeau, R. D. Minard, F. Raulin, and Y. Bénilan (2002). Experimental study of the degradation of high molecular weight compounds. Application to the origin of extended sources in cometary atmospheres. 34th assembly of Committe on Space Research (COSPAR), World Space Congress, Houston, TX, USA, October 2002

Cottin H., Bénilan Y., Fray N., Gazeau M.-C., Raulin F., Sternberg R., and Szopa C. (2002) Organic molecules in comets - experimental studies and applications to observations. 2nd European Workshop on Exo/Astrobiology, Graz, Autriche, Septembre 2002

Barbier B., Coll P., Cottin H., Maurel M.-C., Raulin F., Tepfer D., and Brack A. (2002) The "Amino" experiment on Expose. Proc. 2d European Workshop on Exo-/Astro-Biology ESA-SP 518, 59-62. PDF

Cottin H., Bénilan Y., Fray N., Gazeau M.-C., Raulin F., Sternberg R., and Szopa C. (2002) Molécules organiques sur les comètes - approches expérimentales et applications aux observations. Colloque du GDR exobiologie, Paris, France, May 2002 Fray N., Cottin H., Gazeau M.-C., Minard R. D., Raulin F., and Bénilan Y. (2002) Experimental study of the degradation of polymers. Application to the origin of extended sources in cometary atmospheres. 27ème assemblée générale de l'EGS (European Geophysical Society), Nice, France, April 2002

Bénilan Y., Cottin H., Fray N., Gazeau M.-C., and Raulin F. (2001) A model of extended sources in comets: Polyoxymethylene as a progenitor of formaldehyde in comet Halley. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society # 33, #20.17.(Poster Presentation), New Orleans , USA, 2001

Cottin H., Lowenthal M. S., Hudson R. L., and Moore M. H. (2001) The stability of the cyanate ion. A possible link between the interstellar medium and comets. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society # 33, #20.08, D.P.S. Meeting (Poster Presentation), New Orleans, USA, 2001

Cottin H., Gazeau M. C., Bénilan Y., and Raulin F. (2001) The degradation of complex and refractory organic material as a source of light and volatile molecules : the case of extended sources in comets. American Chemical Society Meeting, San Diego, USA, April 2001 - Présentation Invitée

Gazeau M.C., Bénilan Y., Cottin H., Vuitton V., Raulin F. (2000) UV studies related to the physico-chemistry of planetary and cometary environments, XXIVth general assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Manchester, England, August 2000

Raulin F., Coll P., Cottin H., Smith N., Vuitton V., Ramirez S., Navarro-Gonzalez R., Mvondo D. N., Bénilan Y., Guillemin J.-C., and Gazeau M.-C. (2000) Some Bioastronomical Aspects of the Giant Planets and Titan. ASP Conference Series 213 , 325-331.

Cottin H., Gazeau M. C., Bachir S., Doussin J. F., and Raulin F. (2000) Solid-gas chemistry : simple organic molecules production from thermal and photo-degradation of refractory compounds. Application to the extended sources in comets. 33rd assembly of Committe on Space Research (COSPAR), Warsaw, Poland, July 2000.

Cottin H., Gazeau M. C., Szopa C., Sternberg R., and Raulin F. (2000) Cometary organic chemistry: what can we learn from laboratory simulations ? 25ème assemblée générale de l'EGS (European Geophysical Society)(Invited Presentation), Nice, France, April 2000

Cottin H., Gazeau M. C., and Bénilan Y. (2000) Experimental and theoritical studies on the Gas/Solid/Gas transformation cycle in extraterrestrial environments. PROSSI workshop (Poster), Columbia, USA, March 2000

Cottin H., Gazeau M. C., Doussin J. F., and Raulin F., Experimental study of the contribution of refractory compounds to the cometary atmosphere. Application to the Polyoxymethylene as an origin of the Formaldehyde extended source. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 31(4), 35-09, D.P.S. Meeting (Oral Presentation), Padova, Italie, 1999

Gazeau M. C., Cottin H., Vuitton V., and Raulin F. (1999) Photochemical laboratory experiments : a support for the studies on organic chemistry involved in cometary environment anf Titan's atmosphere. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 31(4), 61-04, D.P.S. Meeting (Oral Presentation), Padova, Italie, 1999

Cottin H., Gazeau M. C., Doussin J. F., and Raulin F., Experimental Simulation of the Photodegradation of Large Organic Molecules in Cometary Environment. 9th ISSOL MEETING (Oral Presentation), San Diego, Etats-Unis, July 1999

Gazeau M. C., Bénilan Y., Carlier P., Cottin H., Doussin J. F., Vuitton V., Smith N., and Raulin F., Experimental and theoretical photochemistry : application to the cometary environment and Titan’s atmosphere. 24ème assemblée générale de l'EGS - European Geophysical Society (Présentation invitée), La Haye, Pays-Bas, April 1999

Gazeau M. C., Cottin H., and Raulin F., Experimental Photochemistry of the Cometary Environment : Laboratory Studies of the Evolution of Molecular Weight Organic Compounds under UV Irradiation. International Workshop Devoted to Dark Matter in the Solar System (Présentation invitée), Meudon, France,1999

Raulin F., Coll P., Ramirez S. I., Coscia D., Cottin H., and Gazeau M. C., Exobiological importance of Tholins. International Workshop Devoted to Dark Matter in the Solar System (Présentation invité) , Meudon, France, 1999

Cottin H., M.C. Gazeau, J.F. Doussin, and F. Raulin, The Photodegradation of Polyoxymethylene in far U.V., D.P.S. (Oral Presentation) , Madison, Etats-Unis, 1998

Cottin H., M.C. Gazeau, J.F. Doussin, and F. Raulin, S.E.M.A.Ph.Or.E. COMETAIRE : Un outil pour l'étude expérimentale de la photodégradation de molécules organiques solides d'intérêt cométaire, in P.N.P., Grenoble, France, 1998

Cottin H., M.C. Gazeau, and F. Raulin, S.E.M.A.Ph.Or.E COMETAIRE, a tool for the study of the photochemical decomposition of probable cometary large organic molecules, E.G.S. (Oral Presentation), Nice, France, 1998

Cottin H., M.C. Gazeau, and F. Raulin, S.E.M.A.Ph.Or.E. Cometaire : A tool for the study of photodecomposition of organic refractory molecules, CIDA-COSIMA Meeting (Oral Presentation), Glurns, Italie, 1998

Gazeau M.C., H. Cottin, and F. Raulin, HCN formation under electron impact: experimental studies and application to Neptune's atmosphere, COSPAR, session F3.2, Birmingham, Angleterre, 1996.