Chapitres de livres à comité de lecture

Encyclopedia of Astrobiology (Springer) (2023), Field Editor Section Planetology: Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets (88 articles)
Auteur des articles: Rosetta Spacecraft, Philae Lander, Deep Impact, Expose, Eureca, 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, 6 Hebe, Hygiea
Et avec T. Encrenaz: Comet Halley, Meteorite Orgueil, Centaurs (asteroids)

Dass, A.V., Cottin, H. and Brack, A. (2019) Photochemistry and Photoreactions of Organic Molecules in Space, in: Cavalazzi, B., Westall, F. (Eds.), Biosignatures for Astrobiology. Springer, Cham, pp. 205-222. PDF

Cottin H. and D. Despois (2009) Comets and astrobiology. In Prebiotic Evolution and Astrobiology (ed. J. T.-F. Wong and A. Lazcano).pp 38-45. Landes Bioscience of Texas. PDF

Cottin H. Basic prebiotic chemistry. (2007) In Complete course in astrobiology (ed. P. Rettberg and G. Horneck), pp. 55-83. Wiley-VCH. PDF

Bénilan Y. and Cottin H. (2007), Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and space projects. In Lectures in Astrobiology, Vol. 2 (ed. M. Gargaud, P. Claeys, and H. Martin), pp. 347-428. Springer Verlag. PDF

Cottin H. and Bénilan Y. (2005) Les comètes, Titan et Mars : exobiologie et projets spatiaux. In Des atomes aux planètes habitables (ed. M. Gargaud, P. Claeys, and H. Martin), pp. 185-236. Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux. PDF

Despois D. and Cottin H. (2005), Comets : potential sources of prebiotic molecules for the early Earth. In Lectures in Astrobiology,, Vol. 1 (ed. M.Gargaud, B.Barbier, H. Martin, and J.Reisse), pp. 289-352. Springer Verlag. PDF