Noel Grand
10 years ago
P4 311
Pôle instrumentation
Département technique,Devenir du carbone organique

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Grand Noel

Publications de Noel GRAND au LISA

L. Selliez, C. Briois, N. Carrasco, L. Thirkell, R. Thissen, M. Ito, F.-R. Orthous-Daunay, G. Chalumeau, F. Colin, Herve Cottin, C. Engrand, L. Flandinet, Nicolas Fray, B. Gaubicher, Noel Grand, J.-P. Lebreton, A. Makarov, S. Ruocco, C. Szopa, V. Vuitton, Pascal Zapf, Identification of organic molecules with a laboratory prototype based on the Laser Ablation-CosmOrbitrap, Planetary and Space Science, 170, 42-51,, 2019

Goesmann F., W.B. Brinckerhoff, Francois Raulin, W. Goetz, R.M. Danell, S. Getty, S. Siljeström, H. Mißbach, H. Steininger, R.D. Arevalo Jr., A. Buch, C. Freissinet, A. Grubisic, U.J. Meierhenrich, V.T. Pinnick, Fabien Stalport, C. Szopa, J.L. Vago, R. Lindner, M.D. Schulte, J.R. Brucato, D.P. Glavin, Noel Grand, X. Li, F.H.W. van Amerom., and the MOMA Science Team, The Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) Instrument: Characterization of Organic Material in Martian Sediments, Astrobiology , 17 (6-7), 655-685,, 2017

Claudia Di-Biagio, Paola Formenti, L. Doppler, Cecile Gaimoz, Noel Grand, G. Ancellet, J.-L. Attié, S. Bucci, P. Dubuisson, F. Fierli, M. Mallet, and F. Ravetta, Continental pollution in the Western Mediterranean basin: large variability of the aerosol single scattering albedo and influence on the direct shortwave radiative effect, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 10591-1060, 10.5194/acp-16-10591, 2016

W. Goetz, W. B. Brinckerhoff, R. Arevalo Jr., C. Freissinet , S. Getty, D. P. Glavin , S. Siljeström , A. Buch, Fabien Stalport, A. Grubisic, X. Li, V. Pinnick, R. Danell, F. H. W. van Amerom, F. Goesmann, H. Steininger, Noel Grand, Francois Raulin, C. Szopa, U. Meierhenrich, J. R. Brucato and the MOMA Science, MOMA: the challenge to search for organics and biosignatures on Mars, International Journal of Astrobiology, 15 (3), 239–250, 10.1017/S1473550416000227, 2016

Briois C., R. Thissen, L. Thirkell, K. Aradj, A. Bouabdellah, A. Boukrara, N. Carrasco, G. Chalumeau, O. Chapelon, F. Colin, Patrice Coll, Herve Cottin, C. Engrand, Noel Grand, J. P. Lebreton, F. R. Orthous-Daunay, Cyril Pennanech, C. Szopa, V. Vuitton, Pascal Zapf, A. Makarov, Orbitrap mass analyser for in situ characterisation of planetary environments: Performance evaluation of a laboratory prototype, Planet. Space Sci., 131, 33-45,, 2016

Denjean, C., Cassola, F., Mazzino, Sylvain Triquet, Servanne Chevaillier, Noel Grand, T. Bourrianne, G. Momboisse, K. Sellegri, A. Schwarzenbock, E. Freney, M. Mallet, Paola Formenti, Size distribution and optical properties of mineral dust aerosols transported in the western Mediterranean, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 1081-1104, doi:10.5194/acp-16-1081-2016, 2016

Mallet, M., Dulac, Paola Formenti, Nabat, P., Sciare, J., Roberts, G., Pelon, J., Ancellet, G., Tanré, D., Parol, F., Denjean, C., Brogniez, G., di Sarra, A., Alados-Arboledas, L., Arndt, J., Auriol, F., Blarel, L., Bourrianne, T., Chazette, P., Servanne Chevaillier, Claeys, M., D'Anna, B., Derimian, Y., Desboeufs Karine, Di Iorio, T., Jean-Francois Doussin, Durand, P., Anais Feron, Freney, E., Cecile Gaimoz, Goloub, P., Gómez-Amo, J. L., Granados-Muñoz, M. J., Noel Grand, Hamonou, E., Jankowiak, I., Jeannot, M., Léon, J.-F., Michel Maille, Mailler, S., Meloni, D., Menut, L., Momboisse, G., Nicolas, J., Podvin, T., Pont, V., Rea, G., Renard, J.-B., Roblou, L., Schepanski, K., Schwarzenboeck, A., Sellegri, K., Sicard, M., Solmon, F., Somot, S., Torres, B, Totems, J., Sylvain Triquet, Verdier, N., Verwaerde, C., Waquet, F., Wenger, J., Pascal Zapf, Overview of the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment/Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing on the Mediterranean Climate (ChArMEx/ADRIMED) summer 2013 campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 455-504, doi:10.5194/acp-16-455-2016, 2016

Warda Ait-Helal, A. Beeldens, E. Boonen, Agnes Borbon, A. Boréave, Mathieu Cazaunau, H. Chen, V. Daële, Y. Dupart, Cecile Gaimoz, M. Gallus, C. George, Noel Grand, B. Grosselin, H. Herrmann, S. Ifang, R. Kurtenbach, Michel Maille, I. Marjanovic, A. Mellouki, K. Miet, F. Mothes, L. Poulain, R. Rabe, Pascal Zapf, J. Kleffmann, Jean-Francois Doussin, On-road measurements of NMVOCs and NOx: determination of light-duty vehicles emission factors from tunnel studies in Brussels city center, Atmos. Environ., 122, 799-807, 2015

Claudia Di-Biagio, L. Doppler, Cecile Gaimoz, Noel Grand, G. Ancellet, J.-C. Raut, Matthias Beekmann, Agnes Borbon, K. Sartelet, J.-L. Attié, F. Ravetta, Paola Formenti, Continental pollution in the Western Mediterranean basin: vertical profiles of aerosol and trace gases measured over the sea during TRAQA 2012 and SAFMED 2013, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 9611–9630, doi:10.5194/acp-15-9611-2015, 2015 PDF

E. Boonen, V. Akylas, F. Barmpas, A. Boréave, L. Bottalico, Mathieu Cazaunau, H. Chen, V. Daële, T. De Marco, Jean-Francois Doussin, Cecile Gaimoz, M. Gallus, C. George, Noel Grand, B. Grosselin, G.L. Guerrini, H. Herrmann, S. Ifang, J. Kleffmann, R. Kurtenbach, M. Maille, G. Manganelli, A. Mellouki, K. Miet, F. Mothes, N. Moussiopoulos, L. Poulain, R. Rabe, Pascal Zapf, A. Beeldens, Construction of a photocatalytic de-polluting field site in the Leopold II tunnel in Brussels, Journal of Environmental Management, 155, 136-144, 2015 PDF

Herve Cottin, Kafila Saiagh, Nguyen, D., Noel Grand, Yves Benilan, Cloix, M., Patrice Coll, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Nicolas Fray, Diana Khalaf, Francois Raulin, Fabien Stalport, Carrasco, N.,Szopa,C.,Chaput, D.,Bertrand, M.,Westall, F.,Mattioda, A.,Quinn, R.,Ricco, A.,Santos, O.,Baratta, G., Strazzulla, G.,Palumbo, M.E.,Postollec, A.L.,Dobrijevic, M.,Coussot, G.,Vigier, F.,Vandenabeele-Trambouze, O.,Incerti, S.,Berger, T., Photochemical studies in low Earth orbit for organic compounds related to small bodies, Titan and Mars. Current and future facilities, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 84, 60-73, 2015 PDF

Warda Ait-Helal, Agnes Borbon, S. Sauvage, J. A. de Gouw, A. Colomb, Matthias Beekmann, C. Afif, Regine Durand-Jolibois, I. Fronval, Noel Grand, T. Leonardis, V. Michoud, K. Miet, S. Perrier, Guillaume Siour, Pascal Zapf, Jean-Francois Doussin, M. Lopez, V. Gros, F. Freutel, J. Schneider, M. Crippa, A. S. H. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger and N. Locoge, I/VOC in sub-urban Paris: variability, origin and importance in SOA formation, Atmos. Chem.Phys., 14, 10439-1046, 2014

Olivier Poch, A. Noblet, Fabien Stalport, J.J. Correia, Noel Grand, C. Szopa, Patrice Coll, Chemical evolution of organic molecules under Mars-like UV radiation conditions simulated in the laboratory with the “Mars organic molecule irradiation and evolution” (MOMIE) setup, Planetary and Space Science, 85, 188-197, 2013

Agnes Borbon, J.B. Gilman, W. C. Kuster, Noel Grand, Servanne Chevaillier, A. Colomb, C. Dolgorouky, V. Gros, M. Lopez, R. Sarda-Esteve, J. Holloway, J. Stutz, O. Perrussel, Herve Petetin, S. McKeen, Matthias Beekmann, C. Warneke, D.D. Parrishand, J.A. de Gouw, Emission ratios of anthropogenic VOC in northern mid-latitude megacities: observations vs. emission inventories in Los Angeles and Paris, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 2041-2057, 2013

Gaie-Levrel, F., S. Perrier, E. Perraudin, C. Stoll, Noel Grand, Martin Schwell, Development and characterization of a single particle laser ablation mass spectrometer (SPLAM) for organic aerosol studies, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 5, 225-241, 2012

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