Ecole d'été SPECMO 2014, 7-13 Septembre 2014

Publié le lundi 24 mars 2014 16:03

This is the first announcement of our International French-German summer school "New experimental and theoretical developments in molecular spectroscopy - pushing the limits", SPECMO 2014 to be hold in the center “La Marana”, Corsica (France) from Sunday Sept 7th to Saturday September 13th 2014.


Molecular Spectroscopy is a very active, pluridisciplinary research field which is interconnected with many fields in the natural sciences, such as astrophysics, biology and physical chemistry. It is the aim of this event to bring together young scientists from these different communities in the frame of a high level summer school which is oriented towards the most recent experimental and theoretical developments in molecular spectroscopy.


Please find further details on the scientific scope and other practical information on our web site


The school is supported by the French-German university (UFA/DFH) , the " Groupe de Recherche" GdR SpecMO “Spectroscopie moléculaire”, and the "formation permanente" du CNRS. It is open to researchers of any nationality and addressed to Ph.D students, post-docs and permanent researchers in chemistry, physics, spectroscopy, biology, or astrochemistry who want to get a high quality training in the field. Special attention will be paid to the accessibility of the lectures to non-specialists.


Important information:


  • The language of the school will be English.
  • Participants will be able to present their own research in the form of posters during the school.
  • A limited number (4) of 500 euro grants are available to cover registration fees and part of the travel expenses (PhD students and postdocs only). Interested candidates are invited to submit their abstract, CV and pre-registration form as soon as possible. The candidates to be awarded will be selected by the scientific committee of the school and will be asked to present their research in a seminary talk (30 min).


Deadlines to remember:


  • Pre-registration: April 15th, 2014
  • Application for a 500 Euro fellowship: April 15th, 2014 (please join your abstract and CV)
  • Full registration + poster abstract + payment: June, 6th 2014
  • Details on the payment procedure will be posted later.
  • School : 7st to 13th September 2014.