Paola Formenti
Senior scientist at the Centre National des Recherches Scientifiques (CNRS)
MEREIA group (Mesure Et Réactivité des Espèces d'Intérêt Atmosphérique)
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques
61, avenue du Général De Gaulle 94010 Créteil Cedex
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Dr. Paola Formenti was appointed as junior researcher at the Centre National des Recherches Scientifiques on 1st January 2004, when she joined the Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA). She is a member of the "MEREIA group" which comprises height permanent researchers. The activities of this research group are dedicated to ground-based and airborne measurement of aerosols, VOCs and NOy species and experimental atmospheric simulations.

Her research focuses on the physico-chemical and optical properties of atmospheric aerosols, mineral dust in particular. She is PI of the multi-instrumented airborne platform AVIRAD onboard the ATR-42 aircraft of the French research fleet managed by SAFIRE and of the ground-based platform PEGASUS (Portable Gas and Aerosol Sampling Units). She has been a user of European research aircraft such as the UK C-130 and the BAe146 managed by FAAM and the CESSNA Citation managed by NLR. More recently, she has become involved with the simulation chamber CESAM (Chambre Experimentale de Simulation Atmosphérique Multiphasique).

She is currently the PI of various national and international projects, including the operation of a ground-based station in Namibia investigating the marine, dust and biomass burning aerosols emitted and transported over the tropical South-East Atlantic.

Her work in the field of experimental simulation of atmospheric chemistry has resulted in more than 130 peer-reviewed articles and four book chapters.



2011 : Habilitation diploma – « Experimental assessment of the physico-chemical and optical properties of mineral dust relevant to their direct radiative effect » University Denis Diderot - Paris 7 (now University Paris Cité)

 2000 : Ph-D in Sciences – Physics and Astronomy – “Measurements of aerosol properties in the troposphere » University of Utrecht (The Netherlands) and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Mainz, Germany)

1995 : Master in Sciences - Physics - University of Genoa (Italy)


2001 : Otto-Hahn Medal, Max Plank Society, Germany 


 last update 08 May 2014